Before any serious work can be done, the starter must be removed from the engine, degreased, and placed on a clean bench. Disconnect one or…
Category: Starting and Generating
Starter motors are series-wound; i.e., they are wound so that current enters the field coils and goes to the armature through the insulated brushes. Because…
There are several methods that you can use to check the starting-circuit resistance. One method is to open all the connections, scrape bright, and retighten.…
The material that follows applies to simple DC starting, charging, and instrumentation circuits. Cutting or splicing wiring harnesses used with electronic engine management systems can…
Figure 11-3 illustrates a typical charging/starting system/in quasi-realistic style. The next drawing (Fig. 11-4) is a true schematic of the same system, encoded in a…
It is customary to include a cold-starting position at the rack. This position provides extra fuel to the nozzles and makes combustion correspondingly more likely.…