Cummins Service Products Catalog – Tool 3823106Lubricating Pump Update Kit


Engine Family: K50

These tools was designed to be used to update the older version of the K50 two gear lubricating pump to the current style.

Ref. No. Part No. Description
1 3823859  Drill and reaming fixture 
2 3823108  3/4-in. spotface cutter 
3 3823109  Spotface stop collar 
4 3823111  Lubricating pump gear cover template 
5 3823526  1-in. (25.4-mm) drill 
6 3823497  5/8-inch x 60° countersink cutter 
7 3823525  1/4-in. (6.4-mm) drill 
Last Modified:  05-Apr-2004