NOTE: If the solenoid shows 0 ohms, there is an electrical short in the coil.
If the coil resistance is correct, the assembly of the valve must be checked. If the coil resistance does not meet specification, the coil must be replaced. Refer to Procedure 005-043 in the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, M11 Series Engines, Bulletin 3666139, or Procedure 05-4 in Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, L10 Series Engines, Bulletin 3810439, or 005-043 in the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, N14 Series Engines, Bulletin 3666142.
Install the solenoid wire when the repair is complete.
Hello, I'm Jack, a diesel engine fan and a blogger. I write about how to fix and improve diesel engines, from cars to trucks to generators. I also review the newest models and innovations in the diesel market. If you are interested in learning more about diesel engines, check out my blog and leave your feedback.
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