M11 Industrial Operation and Maintenance – 018-003   Lubricating Oil Recommendations and Specifications

AfterMarket Oil Additive Usage


Cummins Inc. does not recommend the use of aftermarket oil additives. Present high-quality fully additive engine lubricating oils are very sophisticated, with precise amounts of additives blended into the lubricating oil to meet stringent requirements defined in (1) Cummins® Engineering Specification CES 20076 that is similar to API CH-4, in (2) CES 20078 that is similar to API CI-4, and in (3) CES 20081 that is similar to API CJ-4. These furnished oils meet performance characteristics that conform to the lubricant industry standards. Aftermarket lubricating oil additives are not necessary to enhance engine oil performance and in some cases can reduce the finished oil’s capability to protect the engine.

New Engine Break-in Oils


Special “break-in” engine lubricating oils are not recommended for new or rebuilt Cummins® engines. Use the same lubricating oil that will be used during normal operation.

Last Modified:  09-Jun-2010