M11 Industrial Operation and Maintenance – 018-021   Electrical System

Electrical System


Minimum recommended battery capacity:

System Voltage Ambient Temperature
  -18°C [0°F] 0°C [32°F]
  Cold Cranking Amperes Reserve Capacity 1 Amperes Cold Cranking Amperes Reserve Capacity 1 Amperes
12 VDC 1800 640 1280 480
24 VDC2 900 320 640 240

The number of plates within a given battery size determines reserve capacity. Reserve capacity determines the length of time that sustained cranking can occur.


Cold cranking amperes (CCA) ratings are based on two 12-VDC batteries in series.


A minimum of 6.5 VDC at the power connector is required to power up the ECM on CELECT™ Plus engines.

Batteries (Specific Gravity)


Specific Gravity at 27°C [81°F] State of Charge
1.260 to 1.280 100%
1.230 to 1.250 75%
1.200 to 1.220 50%
1.170 to 1.190 25%
1.110 to 1.130 Discharged

Last Modified:  25-May-2007