General Information |
The use of quality engine lubricating oils, combined with appropriate oil drain and filter change intervals, is a critical factor in maintaining engine performance and durability. Cummins Inc. recommends the use of a high-quality 15W-40 multiviscosity heavy-duty engine oil that meets the requirements of Cummins Engineering Specification CES 20071 or CES 20076 (such as Valvoline® Premium Blue® or Premium Blue® 2000). American Petroleum Institute (API) specification CH-4 can be used as an alternative to CES 20071. Oils that meet API specification CG-4 can be used, but at a reduced drain interval according to the Oil Drain Intervals by Severity of Service mi [km] chart listed in Section 2. The oil grades CC, CD, and CE have been obsoleted by API and should not be used. Shortened drain intervals can be required with monograde oils as determined by close monitoring of the oil condition with scheduled oil sampling. Use of single-grade oils can affect engine oil control. Synthetic engine oils, API category III, are recommended for use in Cummins engines operating in ambient temperature conditions consistently below -25°C [-13°F]. Above this temperature, it is recommended the petroleum-based multigrade lubricants be used. Synthetic 0W-30 oils that meet API category III can be used in operations where the ambient temperature never exceeds 0°C [32°F]. Synthetic 0W-30 oils do not offer the same level of protection against fuel dilution as do higher multigrade oils. Higher cylinder wear can be experienced when using 0W-30 oils in high-load situations. For further details and an explanation of engine lubricating oils for Cummins engines, refer to Cummins Engine Oil Recommendations, Bulletin 3810340. Additional information regarding lubricating oil availability throughout the world is available in the Engine Manufacturing Association (EMA) Lubricating Oils Data Book for Heavy-Duty Automotive and Industrial Engines. The data book can be ordered from Engine Manufacturers Association, One Illinois Center, 111 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 60601; (312) 644-6610.