Electronic Control System Signature, ISX and QSX15 Engines – Communication Error – Electronic Service Tool or Control Device

Symptom Tree  t016

This is symptom tree t016
Cause Correction

Error 5023: No connection to the ECM was established or detected

Refer to Procedure 019-472 in Section 19.


Error 5080: ECM is ROM Booted and must be recalibrated

Calibrate ECM with the appropriate ECM code. Refer to Procedure 019-032 in Section 19.


Error 5081: ECM is ROM Booted and must be recalibrated

Calibrate ECM with the appropriate ECM code. Refer to Procedure 019-032 in Section 19.


Error 5089: ECM is in an invalid state must be recalibrated

Power OFF for 30 seconds and reconnect. Refer to Procedure 019-472 in Section 19.


Error 5091: ECM is seeded and must be recalibrated

Calibrate ECM with the appropriate ECM code. Refer to Procedure 019-032 in Section 19.


Error 5092: INSITE™ electronic service tool has detected some ECM(s) can not operate and must be recalibrated. INSITE™ electronic service tool has detected the following ECM(s) are currently calibrated: ECM NAME, Service ECM Marketing Name, INSITE™ electronic service tool has detected some ECM(s) can not operate and must be calibrated. INSITE™ electronic service tool has detected the following ECM(s) have incompatible calibrations: ECM Name, Source Address

Calibrate the ECM(s) that are not currently calibrated. Refer to Procedure 019-032 in Section 19.


Error 5200: Communication between the PC and the data link has been lost

Refer to Procedure 019-472 in Section 19.


Error 5201: Communication between the data link and the ECM has been lost

Refer to Procedure 019-472 in Section 19.


Error 5202: Communication between the data link and the ECM has been lost

Refer to Procedure 019-472 in Section 19.


Error 5204: Communication between the data link adapter and the ECM could not be established

Refer to Procedure 019-472 in Section 19.


Electronic fault codes active or high counts of inactive fault codes

Refer to Section TF for fault code troubleshooting.


Keyswitch is in the ON position

If calibrating a new electronic control module (ECM), turn off the keyswitch. Refer to Procedure 019-032 in Section 19.


Keyswitch is in the OFF position

Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.


Data link cable is not connected correctly

Check the cable connections. Refer to the appropriate electronic service tool manual.


INLINE™ adapter (data link adapter) is not connected to the battery voltage supply

Check the power light on the INLINE™ adapter. If the light is not illuminated, connect the battery voltage to the INLINE™ adapter. Refer to the appropriate electronic service tool manual.


Electronic service tool cartridge or software is not correct for the the appropriate electronic service tool manualsystem

Verify that the electronic service tool cartridge or software is correct for this system.


Electronic control module (ECM) is not calibrated

Calibrate the ECM. Refer to the appropriate electronic service tool manual and Procedure 019-032 in Section 19.


Moisture in the wiring harness connectors

Dry the connectors with Cummins® electronic cleaner, Part Number 3824510.


Keyswitch circuit is malfunctioning

Check the vehicle, equipment, or vessel keyswitch circuit. Refer to Procedure 019-064 in Section 19.


Battery voltage supply to the electronic control module (ECM) has been lost

Check the battery connections. Check the fuses and the unswitched battery supply circuit. Refer to Procedure 019-087 in Section 19.


Electronic control module (ECM) is not grounded correctly

Check the ECM for correct placement of star washers. Refer to Procedure 019-031 in Section 19.


Electronic service tool is malfunctioning

Check the electronic service tool. Refer to the appropriate electronic service tool manual.


Monitor devices are connected to the data link

Turn off or disconnect the monitor devices while using the electronic service tool.


Data link circuit is malfunctioning

Check the data link circuit. Refer to Procedure 019-165 in Section 19 (J1939) or Procedure 019-166 in Section 19 (J1587).


Data link is locked up

Turn off the keyswitch and the electronic service tool and disconnect the battery cables for at least 5 seconds. Connect the battery cables and turn on the keyswitch and the electronic service tool to establish communication.


INLINE™ adapter used with data link protocol is incorrect

Use INLINE™ or INLINE™ I with J1587 only. Use INLINE™ II with J1587 or J1939.


J1587 or J1939 data link voltage is incorrect

Check the data link voltages from both the positive data link to ground and the negative data link to ground. Refer to Procedure 019-165 in Section 19 or Procedure 019-166 inSection 19.


J1939 backbone resistor is malfunctioning or missing

Check the data link resistance between the positive data link pins. If the circuit is open, use the backbone resistor when attempting communication. Refer to Procedure 019-165 in Section 19.


Battery polarity is incorrect at data link connector

Check for the correct wiring of both the 6-pin and 9-pin data link connectors. Refer to Procedure 022-999 in Section F.


Data link devices are connected to the data link

Disconnect all of the other data link devices. (Devices include dash clusters, antilock braking system, RoadRelay™, and other aftermarket electronic devices using J1587.)


Cable between computer and INLINE™ adapter is incorrect

Only use a fully populated 9-pin cable between the INLINE™ adapter and the computer.


Electronic control module (ECM) is malfunctioning

Call for authorization to replace the ECM. Upon receipt of authorization, replace the ECM. Refer to Procedure 019-031 in Section 19.

Last Modified:  28-Jun-2010