Electronic Control System Signature, ISX and QSX15 Engines – FAULT CODE 339

Idle Shutdown Vehicle Accessory/Ignition Bus Relay Circuit


Fault Code: 339
PID: S087
SPN: 1267
FMI: 4/4
LAMP: Yellow

Less than (+) 6 VDC detected on the idle shutdown vehicle accessory/ignition bus relay circuit when on indicates an excessive current draw from the ECM or faulty ECM output circuit.

Vehicle accessories or ignition bus loads controlled by the idle shutdown vehicle accessory relay will not power down.

Idle Shutdown Vehicle Accessory/Ignition Bus Relay Circuit

Circuit Description

The idle shutdown vehicle accessory/ignition bus relay is a device used to control vehicle accessories or ignition bus leads. Vehicle accessories or ignition bus leads will be shut down when the ECM shuts down the engine for excessive idle time.

Component Location

The location of the relay is dependent on the OEM. Use the OEM troubleshooting and repair manual.

Shop Talk

  • Check the starter solenoid positive (+) terminal for a loose connector or accessory wiring with damaged insulation.
  • Low voltage can be caused by a short circuit to ground, a short circuit to another wire in the harness, or a solenoid coil with a short circuit.
  • Inspect the engine block to chassis ground wire. It should be securely fastened to a clean, dry, conductive surface.

Refer to Troubleshooting Fault Code t05-339.

Last Modified:  26-Oct-2010