ISM, ISMe, and QSM11 – 010-041   Turbocharger Coolant Hoses



Automotive with CM875, CM870 and CM570

Use a second wrench to hold the coolant line coupling while loosening the line.

Remove the turbocharger coolant supply line (bottom) from the EGR coolant supply tube.

Remove the turbocharger return (top) line from the water manifold and the turbocharger.


Automotive with CM876

NOTE: Use a second wrench to hold the coolant line coupling while loosening the line.

Remove the turbocharger coolant supply line from the bottom of the turbocharger and the EGR cooler coolant supply tube.

Remove and discard the banjo sealing washers.


Remove the turbocharger actuator coolant supply line from the bottom of the turbocharger bearing housing by removing the retaining nut, the banjo bolt, and washers from the actuator.

Remove the adapter.

Remove and discard the banjo sealing washers.


NOTE: Use a second wrench to hold the coolant line coupling while loosening the line.

Remove the turbocharger coolant return line from the top of the turbocharger and the water manifold housing.

Remove and discard the banjo sealing washers.

Remove the turbocharger actuator coolant return line (1) from the turbocharger coolant out fitting adapter (2) by loosening the retaining nut (3) and the banjo bolt and washers (4).

Remove the coolant supply and return fittings from the turbocharger bearing housing if replacing it with a new component. (Service turbochargers are not supplied with these fittings.)

Last Modified:  31-Jul-2006