ISM, ISMe, and QSM11 – 011-031   EGR Cooler Coolant Lines



Automotive with CM875, CM870 and CM570

Remove the EGR cooler coolant rear vent tube retaining clip.

Remove the EGR cooler coolant front and rear vent tubes.


Loosen the hose clamp which secures the tube retainers to the EGR cooler and EGR cooler coolant supply upper tube.

Remove the tube retainers.


Remove the capscrew (1), which secures the EGR cooler coolant supply upper tube as well as the water manifold return tube to the thermostat housing support.

Removal of the water manifold return tube is not required, as the upper tube and brace can be rotated from underneath the water manifold return tube.

Loosen the two hose clamps on the EGR cooler coolant supply hose.

Remove the EGR cooler coolant supply upper tube from the EGR coolant supply lower tube and the EGR cooler coolant supply hose.

Remove and discard the o-rings from the EGR cooler coolant supply upper tube.


Remove the EGR cooler coolant return tube mounting capscrew.

Disconnect the EGR cooler coolant return jumper connection and EGR cooler coolant return tube assembly from the EGR cooler while removing the coolant return tube from the water header plate. Remove and discard the o-rings.

Remove the EGR cooler coolant return jumper connection. Remove and discard the o-rings.


Automotive with CM876

Remove the EGR cooler coolant vent tube.


Remove the EGR cooler coolant supply tube mounting capscrew from the EGR cooler.

Remove the EGR cooler coolant supply tube mounting clamp and capscrew from the water pump.

Remove the EGR cooler coolant supply tube.

Remove and discard the o-rings from the EGR cooler coolant supply tube.


Remove the EGR cooler coolant return tube mounting capscrews.

Disconnect the EGR cooler coolant return jumper connection and EGR cooler coolant return tube assembly from the EGR cooler while removing the coolant return tube from the water header plate. Remove and discard the o-rings.

Remove the EGR cooler coolant return jumper connection.

Remove and discard the o-rings.

Last Modified:  08-Jun-2006