CM850 Electronic Control System – FAULT CODE 272 (ISC/QSC/ISL/QSL Automotive, Industrial, and Marine Application)

High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve Circuit – Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High Source


Fault Code: 272
PID: S126
SPN: 1347
FMI: 3
LAMP: Amber

High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve Circuit – Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High Source. High signal voltage or open circuit detected at the fuel pump actuator circuit.

Engine will not run or engine will run poorly.

High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve Circuit

Circuit Description

The circuit is a Pulse With Modulation (PWM) driver in the Electronic Control Module (ECM) that controls the fuel pump actuator. The actuator is grounded in the ECM. The actuator is normally open. PWM duty cycle to the fuel pump actuator depends on the difference between desired rail pressure and sensed rail pressure.

Component Location

The fuel pump actuator is located on engine-mounted fuel pump housing. The engine wiring harness and the ECM are other components in the circuit that can cause this fault code. See Procedure Refer to Procedure 100-002 for a detailed component location view.

Shop Talk

This fault becomes active when the ECM detects an open in the fuel pump actuator circuit. Causes of this fault code are a short circuit to a positive voltage or an open circuit in the fuel pump actuator circuit. If there is high harness resistance or an intermittent open circuit, Fault Code 2311 could have high inactive counts. If the fault code is intermittent, look for causes of an intermittent open circuit such as loose pins and bad connections. If the fault code is intermittent, look closely for loose wire connections at the ECM connector. Also, if the fault code is intermittent, wiggle the harness and the electronic fuel control.

Refer to Troubleshooting Fault Code t05-272

Last Modified:  08-Jul-2010