CM850 Electronic Control System – FAULT CODE 2961

EGR Temperature – Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range, Least Severe Level


Fault Code: 2961
PID: P412
SPN: 412
FMI: 0/15
LAMP: None

Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) temperature – Data Valid but Above Normal Operating Range, Least Severe Level.

Engine power derate until the EGR temperature is under the maximum limit.

EGR Temperature Sensor Circuit

Circuit Description

The EGR temperature sensor is used to measure the temperature of the exhaust gas that exits the EGR cooler. This temperature is monitored to protect the engine against extremely high temperatures associated with the EGR system.

Component Location

The EGR temperature sensor is located in the air horn, on the intake side of the engine. Refer to Procedure 100-002 (Engine Diagrams) in Section E for a detailed component location view.

Shop Talk

This fault code can be caused by:

  • A fouled EGR cooler
  • High coolant temperature
  • Low coolant level
  • Malfunctioning EGR valve
  • Malfunctioning EGR valve position sensor
  • High exhaust temperatures
  • Coolant-and-water mix
  • Stuck closed variable geometry turbocharger.

NOTE: This fault code will probably not be active with no load on the engine in the shop. The engine must be loaded to trip this fault code and determine if the malfunction has been found and fixed.

Refer to Troubleshooting Fault Code t05-2961

Last Modified:  08-Jul-2010