ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 Engines – Turbocharger Leaks Engine Oil or Fuel

Symptom Tree  t122

This is symptom tree t122
Cause Correction

Engine is operating for extended periods under light- or no-load conditions (slobbering)

Review the engine operating instructions in Section 1 of the Operation and Maintenance Manual, ISC and ISL Series Engines, Bulletin 4021428 or the Operation and Maintenance Manual, QSC8.3 and QSL9 Engines, Bulletin 4021518.


White smoke is present

Refer to the Smoke, White – Excessive symptom tree.


Lubricating oil lines leak oil

Check all oil lines and fittings for leaks. Tighten loose fittings and replace leaking oil lines if necessary.


Turbocharger oil drain line is restricted

Remove the turbocharger oil drain line and check for restriction. Clean or replace the oil drain line. Refer to Procedure 010-045.


Crankcase ventilation system is plugged

Check and clean the crankcase breather and vent tube. Refer to Procedure 003-018.


Lubricating oil or fuel is entering the turbocharger

Remove the intake and exhaust piping, and check for oil or fuel.


Air intake system restriction is above specification

Check the air intake system for restriction. Clean or replace the air filter and inlet piping as necessary. Refer to Procedure 010-031.


Exhaust system restriction is not within specification

Check the exhaust system for restrictions. Refer to Procedure 011-009.


Turbocharger oil seal is leaking

Check the turbocharger compressor and turbine seals. Refer to Procedure 010-033.


Turbocharger wheel clearance is out of specification

Check the radial bearing clearance and axial clearance. Inspect the turbocharger. Repair or replace the turbocharger if necessary. Refer to Procedure 010-033.


Worn piston rings

Check for excessive blowby. Refer to Procedure 014-010.


Valve stem clearance is excessive or the valve stem seals are damaged

Check the valve stems and seals. Refer to Procedures 002-004.

Last Modified:  29-Jul-2005