Diesel Engines Turbochargers

A turbocharger is an exhaust-powered supercharger, that unlike conventional superchargers, has no mechanical connection to the engine (Figs. 9-3b and 9-4). The exhaust stream, impinging against the turbine (or “hot”) wheel, provides the energy to turn the compressor wheel. For reasons that have to do with the strength of materials, turbo boost is usually limited to 10 or 12 psi. This is enough to increase engine output by 30—40%.

Turbocharging represents the easiest, least expensive way to enhance performance. It is also something of a “green” technology, because the energy for compression would otherwise be wasted as exhaust heat and noise (Fig. 9-5). On the other hand, the interface between sophisticated turbo machinery, turning at speeds as great as 140,000 rpm and at temperatures in excess of 1000°F, and the internal combustion engine is not seamless.

Unless steps are taken to counteract the tendency, turbochargers develop maximum boost at high engine speeds and loads. The turbine wheel draws energy from exhaust gas velocity and heat, qualities that increase with piston speed and load. The compressor section behaves like other centrifugal pumps, in that pumping efficiency is a function of impeller speed. At low speeds, the clearance between the rim of the impeller and the housing shunts a large fraction of the output. At very high rotational speeds, air takes on the characteristics of a viscous liquid and pumping efficiency approaches 100%. In its primitive form, a turbocharger acts like the apprentice helper, who loafs most of the day and, when things get busy, becomes too enthusiastic.

Another innate, but not necessarily uncorrectable, characteristic of turbocharged engines is the lag, or flat spot, felt during snap acceleration. Perceptible time is required to overcome the inertia of the rotating mass. By the same token, the wheels continue to coast for a few seconds after the engine stops.

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