C15 – 0287-07 Intake Valve Actuator #3 not responding (93)

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

The Engine Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
• The intake valve actuator for cylinder 3 is not working properly.
• The intake valve actuator is active.

System Response:
The ECM will log the diagnostic code and the ECM will trigger a snapshot. The check engine lamp will illuminate once this diagnostic code has been active for more than ten seconds. The ECM will use a default torque map.

Possible Performance Effect:
The engine will be derated while this diagnostic code is active.

Note: Full power will be restored if the diagnostic code becomes inactive.

Note: The engine will be permanently derated if this code is logged several times. The Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat ET) is required to clear the diagnostic code in order to restore full power.

Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Intake Valve Actuator Response – Test”

• OK – STOP.

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