Conditions Which Generate This Code:
The Engine Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
• The ECM detects a high current condition (short circuit) during five consecutive attempts to
energize the intake valve actuator for cylinder 6.
• The battery voltage is above 9 VDC for the last two seconds.
System Response:
The ECM will log the diagnostic code and the ECM will trigger a snapshot. The check engine lamp
will illuminate while this diagnostic code is active.
The Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat ET) will indicate “SHORT” during the “Intake Valve Actuator
Solenoid Test”. The ECM will continue to attempt to energize the intake valve actuator. The ECM will
use a default torque map while this diagnostic code is active.
Possible Performance Effect:
The engine will have low power. Engine power will be restored if five consecutive attempts to energize the intake valve actuator are successful.
Perform the following diagnostic procedure: “Intake Valve Actuator Circuit – Test”
• OK – STOP.