Cummins Service Products Catalog – Tool 3376951Idler Shaft Bore Salvage Kit – (K38 & K50)


Engine Family: K38 & K50

This kit is designed to salvage the idler shaft bores in the cylinder block.

Ref. No. Part No. Description
1 3376954  Handle Assembly 
2 3376955  Reamer (1.250 in.)
3 3376956  Reamer (.9995 in.)
4* 3377306  Reamer (1.496 in.)
5 3376957  Fixture Assembly (K38, K50)
6 3376958  Bushing Driver 
7 3376959  Salvage Bushing 
8* 3377305  Salvage Bushing 
9 3376426  Repair Rivet (50)
*Note: Items 4 Reamer and 8 Salvage Bushings are optional. 3377305 Bushing has a flange and is used to salvage the area around the idler bore.
Last Modified:  31-Jul-2003