M11 Plus Series Engines Operation and Maintenance Manual – Engine Difficult to Start or Will Not Start (Exhaust Smoke)

Symptom Tree  

Electronic fault codes are active

For instructions on how to read active fault codes, refer to Procedure 101-007 (Electronic Controlled Fuel System) in Section 1 for fault code troubleshooting. If fault codes are active, contact a Cummins Authorized Repair Facility.


Battery voltage is low

Check the battery connections. Refer to the OEM service manual.


Engine cranking speed is too slow

If the cranking speed is slower than 150 rpm, refer to the Engine Will Not Crank or Cranks Slowly symptom tree.


Fuel shutoff valve (FSOV) solenoid or circuit is malfunctioning (electronically controlled fuel systems)

Check the fuel shutoff valve solenoid and circuit.


Fuse(s) malfunctioning

Replace the fuse(s) in the OEM interface harness. Refer to a Cummins Authorized Repair Location.


Starting aid, if necessary for cold weather, is malfunctioning

Check for correct operation of the cold weather starting aid. Refer to Procedure 101-004 (Cold Weather Starting) in Section 1.


Fuel filter or fuel suction line is restricted

Replace the fuel filter. Refer to Procedure 006-015 (Fuel Filter – Spin-on) in Section 4. Check the fuel suction line for restriction Procedure 006-015 (Fuel Filter – Spin-on) in Section 4.


Air intake system restriction is above specification

Check the air intake system for restriction. Clean or replace the air filter and inlet piping as necessary. Refer to Procedure 010-058 (Air Intake Piping) in Section 3.

Contact a Cummins Authorized Repair Facility

Last Modified:  19-Apr-2005