CM850 Electronic Control System – 022-999   Service Tools and Hardware – Overview

General Information


Cummins Inc., produces many engines that are electronically controlled. These engines have special diagnostic requirements for the electronic control module (ECM) in the system. To interface with the ECMs, electronic service tools, such as INSITE™ electronic service tool, have been developed.

INSITE™ electronic service tool interfaces with the electronic engines via a data link. A data link provides a means of transmitting and sorting electric signals, and consists of special electronic circuitry and electrical harnesses. Connection points from electronic service tools are also part of the data link. An OEM data link, if available, is provided by the OEM and consists of circuitry located in the OEM harness. An engine data link consists of circuitry located in the engine harness. Both engine and OEM data links alike are defined by standards written by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). Cummins® uses two such standards for electronic service tools. One is a combination of SAE J1587 and SAE J1708 and the other is SAE J1939. The J1939 data link is described in more detail in Procedure 019-165 in the appropriate engine troubleshooting and repair manual. The J1587/J1708 data link is described more detail in Procedure 019-166 in the appropriate engine troubleshooting and repair manual, and is hereafter referred to as J1708 in this document. Engine data links (both J1939 and J1708) are discussed in more detail in Procedure 019-428 in the appropriate engine troubleshooting and repair manual.

INSITE™ Description


General Information

INSITE™ electronic service tool is a Windows® based software application that works with Cummins® electronic control modules (ECMs) to diagnose and troubleshoot engine problems, store and analyze historical information about an engine, and to modify an engine’s operating values. INSITE™ electronic service tool Professional also enables you to transfer calibrations to an ECM.

INSITE™ electronic service tool is used on an IBM® compatible personal computer (PC) that is attached to an ECM through an INLINE™, INLINE™ I, INLINE™ II, INLINE™ 4, OR INLINE™ 5 DATA LINK ADAPTER KIT.

After registering a copy of INSITE™ electronic service tool and connecting to an ECM data source, INSITE™ electronic service tool enables you to retrieve present or recorded data about an engine, alter ECM settings, store data for viewing at a later time, analyze data to monitor and assess the operation of an engine, and view active or inactive engine fault codes.

INSITE™ electronic service tool is installed in the INTELECT™ folder on the hard drive of a personal computer. INSITE™ User’s Manuals are available in the INTELECT™ and Manuals folder for specific Cummins® electronic engines. Additional information for service and support from a Cummins® distributor for INSITE™ electronic service tool questions is included in the front of the User’s Manuals.

Different versions of INSITE™ electronic service tool may be available for use at one time, although some INSITE™ electronic service tool versions may not be compatible with some ECMs. ECM and INSITE™ electronic service tool compatibility information is available at the INSITE™ Product website. INSITE™ electronic service tool improvements are sometimes released as Feature Packs. The latest Feature Pack information for specific INSITE™ electronic service tool versions is also available at the INSITE™ Electronic Service Tool product website. It is important to maintain the INSITE™ electronic service tool with the latest versions and Feature Packs that become available.

INSITE™ electronic service tool utilizes a communication port, or COM port, on the PC when communicating with an ECM. A COM port must be configured properly for INSITE™ electronic service tool to function correctly. It is possible for other software programs on the PC to take control of a COM port and prevent INSITE™ electronic service tool from accessing the COM port. Troubleshooting information for INSITE™ electronic service tool communication issues is available in the Base INSITE™ USER’s Manual and also in the ECM No Communication Troubleshooting Tree on Quickserve® Online or Intercept.

Initial Check



  • In the main INSITE™ electronic service tool window, verify that the data link selected in the ECM Data Source Connection drop-down matches the data link hardware being used
  • Verify that the correct Feature Pack version is installed. The feature pack version can be determined from the main INSITE™ electronic service tool window by selecting Help, About INSITE™, and Versions
  • Verify that the infrared port is disabled so the serial port is only being used for ECM communications
  • If you have the Palm Pilot Hot Sync Manager on a PC that only has one serial port, you must disable the Hot Sync Manager before connecting to an ECM.

Datalink Adapters

  • Check the firmware version of the INLINE™ II, INLINE™ 4, or INLINE™ 5 data link adapter to make sure it is the latest firmware version available
  • Verify that the data link adapter being used is compatible with the data link wiring available on the engine or vehicle.

General Information

A data link adapter is a device that converts the J1587/J1708, or J1939 data link messages from the ECM into a message that a PC can process. Because INSITE™ electronic service tool is a PC based tool, a data link adapter is required to troubleshoot engines.

Cummins® Service Products offer the following data link adapter kits:

  • INLINE™ adapter kit
  • INLINE™ I adapter kit
  • INLINE™ II adapter kit
  • INLINE™ 4 adapter kit
  • INLINE™ 5 adapter kit.

Data Link Adapter Identification Diagram – INLINE™, INLINE™ I, AND INLINE™ II.

  1. Power light
  2. Communication light
  3. To PC light.

Power for the INLINE™ I data link adapter is provided by the personal computer via the serial cable being used in the communication setup. In Windows™ 95, 98, and NT, if the INSITE™ electronic service tool system has just been started, the power light will not illuminate until the COM port has been initialized. The COM port will be initialized and the power light will illuminate when INSITE™ electronic service tool is used to attempt communication. The light will remain illuminated after initialization and exiting INSITE™ electronic service tool. In Windows™ XP, the power light will only be illuminated while INSITE™ electronic service tool has the COM port initialized and will not remain illuminated after exiting INSITE™ electronic service tool.

Power for the INLINE™, INLINE™ II, INLINE™ 4, and INLINE™ 5, data link adapters depends upon the communication setup in use. The 12 VDC power is supplied by the vehicle power system for the vehicle and engine communication setups. The 12 VDC power is supplied by an auxiliary power supply for the bench communication setup.

The INLINE™ and INLINE™ I data link adapters will only support J1587/J1708 data link protocols. The INLINE™ II data link adapter will support either J1587/J1708 or J1939 protocol. When connecting with INSITE™ electronic service tool using an INLINE™ II, INSITE™ electronic service tool will attempt to establish communication with an ECM on J1939 first. If no communication is established on J1939, INSITE™ electronic service tool will then attempt to establish communication on J1587/J1708.

Data link Adapter Identification Diagram – INLINE™ 4.

  1. Power light
  2. J1939 communication light
  3. J1708 communication light
  4. RS-232 To PC light.

The INLINE™ 4 is an RP1210A compliant data link adapter that will support both J1587/J1708, and J1939 protocol. RP1210A is an industry wide standard that defines data link message format for service tools. The INLINE™ 4 must be configured correctly within INSITE™ electronic service tool to define the COM port being used on the PC and the type of data link protocol that is available, either J1587/J1708, or J1939.

Datalink Adapter Identification Diagram – INLINE™ 5.

  1. Power light
  2. J1939 communication light
  3. J1708 communication light
  4. RS-232 To PC light
  5. USB To PC light.

The INLINE™ 5 is an RP1210A compliant data link adapter that will support both J1587/J1708, and J1939 protocol. It can be used with either a COM port or USB port. The INLINE™ 5 must be configured correctly within INSITE™ electronic service tool to define the COM or USB port being used on the PC and the type of data link protocol that is available, either J1587/J1708, or J1939.

The INLINE™ II, INLINE™ 4, and INLINE™ 5 data link adapters require firmware software in order to operate correctly. Firmware versions are updated periodically and must be uploaded into data link adapters when updates are released. The latest firmware version is always available on the most recent INCAL CD-ROM. The firmware version for a data link adapter is displayed at the top of the main INSITE™ electronic service tool window when connected to an ECM. INSITE™ electronic service tool must be connected to an ECM in order for the firmware version to be displayed.



General Information

Communication with the ECM can be established at three basic locations:

  • Bench communication setup
  • Vehicle communication setup
  • Engine communication setup.

The communication setups are described in more detail in the remainder of this procedure. Each location utilizes different data link adapter cables. All three locations require either a serial cable or Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable (INLINE™ 5 only) to interface from the data link adapter to the PC.

The ECM on newer engines can support data link communication on the OEM data link through the OEM connector at the ECM. It can also support data link communication on the engine data link through the engine connector at the ECM. The wiring diagram for a specific engine and ECM must be consulted to determine if an ECM supports both OEM data link and engine data link communication.

For Midrange and Heavy Duty engines, the recommended communication setup, if available, is the Cummins Inc. bench communication setup which establishes communication directly to the ECM. The bench communication setup can support both J1587/J1708 and J1939 data link protocols, when used with ECMs that support both protocols.

For High Horsepower engines with multiple ECMs, the recommended communication setup is the engine communication setup through the 9-pin connector provided in the engine harness.

J1939 data link communication, if available, is preferred for transferring calibrations because of less interference from other data link devices such as traction control systems and electronic dashes. J1708 communication can require extra time to disable the OEM ECMs that are also communicating on the J1708 data link in order to avoid interference from those devices. Also, the J1939 information transfer rate is faster than J1708 and a calibration download will take less time to complete using J1939 communication compared to J1708 communication.

The functionality of a communication setup can be verified by testing the communication setup on a second ECM or vehicle, if available, or by completing the resistance checks defined for each setup type.

The following table summarizes the ECM communication setups.

Communication Setup
Data link Connection Location
Engine ECM Data link Source
Data link Protocols Supported
ECM connector
J1587/J1708, J1939
Vehicle 6 pin
Dash 6 pin connector
Vehicle 9 pin
Dash 9 pin connector
J1587/J1708, J19391
Engine harness 3 pin connector
Engine harness 6 pin connector
Engine harness 9 pin connector


1 – The 9 pin connector must be fully wired to support J1939 protocol.

2 – Available only on selected older engines.

3 – Available only on selected High Horsepower engines.

Bench Communication Setup

The bench communication setup establishes communication directly with the ECM through the connector port on the ECM. An example of a bench communication setup is shown below.

The bench calibration harness (1) is common for most bench setups and can be used with the appropriate bench calibration cable (5) to communicate with various ECM’s. A list of available bench calibration cables (5) for various ECMs is included in the Service Products Catalog, Bulletin 3377710, which is accessible on Quickserve® Online. Proper function of the bench calibration harness (1) and bench calibration cable (5) can be verified by using the wiring diagrams provided to complete resistance checks.

Bench Communication Setup

  1. Bench calibration harness, Part Number 3163151
  2. Power supply
  3. PC with INSITE™ electronic service tool
  4. Data link adapter
  5. CM570 bench calibration cable, Part Number 3164789
  6. Serial cable
  7. Data link adapter cable, Part Number 3162848
  8. CM570 ECM (example).

Vehicle Communication Setup

An additional communication setup is a 9 pin or 6 pin Deutsch™ connection that is commonly located in the cab of a vehicle. The vehicle communication setup utilizes the OEM harness and connects to the ECM at the OEM connector port. A 9 pin connector in the cab, if fully wired, is capable of supporting both J1939, and J1587/J1708 protocol. Some OEMs place a 9 pin connector in the cab but do not provide wiring to support J1939 protocol. A 6 pin connector will only support J1587/J1708 protocol.

On Vehicle Communication Setup

  1. Data link adapter
  2. PC serial cable
  3. Data link adapter cable
  4. PC with INSITE™ electronic service tool
  5. Vehicle data link adapter connector.

Engine Communication Setup

The engine communication setup utilizes the engine data link provided on the engine wiring harness. Depending upon the engine, the engine communication setup available on the engine harness can be a 3-pin Deutsch™ connector, a 6-pin Deutsch™ connector, or a 9-pin Deutsch™ connector.

A 3-pin Deutsch™ connector on the engine harness is available on newer engines and provides a connection point to the J1939 data link. A mini-backbone cable which includes a 60 ohm resistor and a gender changer cable may be required in order to connect to the ECM on the J1939 protocol. An auxiliary power supply is required for the data link adapter.

3-Pin Deutsch™ Connector

  1. Data link cable
  2. Power supply cable
  3. PC with INSITE™ electronic service tool
  4. Data link adapter
  5. Gender changer cable
  6. Mini-backbone cable
  7. Serial cable
  8. Engine harness 3-pin connector.

A 6-pin Deutsch™ connector is available on the engine harness for some older engines and provides a connection point to the engine J1939 data link. The 6-pin connector includes a power supply for the data link adapter.

Resistance Check


General Information

A serial cable is required to interface from the data link adapter to the PC.


Use test lead, Part Number 3822758, and test lead, Part Number 3822917, to avoid the possibility of damage to the serial cable pins.

Serial Cable

  1. Open
  2. Transmit data
  3. Receive data
  4. Data terminal ready (+5 VDC)
  5. Signal ground
  6. Open
  7. Request to send (+5 VDC)
  8. Clear to send
  9. Open.

Insert a test lead into pin 1 of the female end of the serial cable, and connect it to the multimeter probe. Attach the other test lead to pin 1 of the male end of the serial cable, and connect it to the multimeter probe.

Measure the resistance. The multimeter must show a closed circuit (10 ohms or less). Repeat the resistance measurement for pins 2 through 9. The multimeter must show a closed circuit (10 ohms or less) for each pin. If the circuit is not closed, replace the serial cable.


To avoid the possibility of damage to connector pins, use test lead, Part Number 3823993, on the 8-pin connector. Use test lead, Part Number 3823994, on the round 9-pin connector. Use test lead, Part Number 3824812, on the 3-pin connector.

Bench Calibration Harness

  1. J1939 data link (+)
  2. J1939 data link shield
  3. Battery (+)
  4. Battery (-)
  5. Keyswitch
  6. J1939 data link (-)
  7. J1587/J1708 data link (+)
  8. J1587/J1708 data link (-)

Measure the resistance from each pin in the 8-pin connector to be corresponding location in the 9-pin and/or 3 pin connector. The multimeter must show a closed circuit (10 ohms or less). If a circuit is not closed, replace the bench calibration harness.


To avoid the possibility of damage to connector pins, use test lead, Part Number 382994, on the 8 pin connector. Determine the appropriate test lead needed for the ECM connector on the bench calibration cable.

Bench Calibration Cable

  1. J1939 data link (+)
  2. J1939 data link shield
  3. Battery (+)
  4. Battery (-)
  5. Keyswitch
  6. J1939 data link (-)
  7. J1587/J1708 data link (+)
  8. J1587/J1708 data link (-).
  9. ECM Connector (See wiring diagram for ECM connector pin identification).

Measure the resistance from each pin in the 8 pin connector to the corresponding location in the ECM connector. See wiring diagram for the ECM for connector pin identification. The multimeter must show a closed circuit (10 ohms or less). If a circuit is not closed, replace the bench calibration cable.


To avoid the possibility of damage to connector pins, use male test lead, Part Number 3823993, on the 9-pin Deutsch™ connector. Use male test lead, Part Number 3822758, on the 25-pin connector.

9-Pin Data link Cable
9-Pin In-Cab Data link Connector
  • A. Ground
  • B. Battery (+)
  • C. J1939 data link (+)
  • D. J1939 data link (-)
  • E. J1939 data link shield
  • F. J1587/J1708 data link (+)
  • G. J1587/J1708 data link (-)
  • H. Open
  • J. Open

Measure the resistance from pins A, B, C, D, E, F, and G in the 9-pin connector to the corresponding location in the 25-pin connector as shown. The multimeter must show a closed circuit (10 ohms or less). If a circuit is not closed, replace the data link cable.


To avoid the possibility of damage to connector pins, use male test lead, Part Number 3824811, on the 6-pin Deutsch™ connector. Use male test lead, Part Number 3822758, on the 25-pin connector.

6-Pin Data link Cable
6-Pin In-Cab Data link Connector
  1. J1587/J1708 data link (+)
  2. J1587/J1708 data link (-)
  3. Battery (+)
  4. Open
  5. Ground
  6. Open.

Measure the resistance from pins A, B, C, and E in the 6-pin connector to the corresponding location in the 25-pin connector as shown. The multimeter must show a closed circuit (10 ohms or less). If a circuit is not closed, replace the data link cable.


To avoid the possibility of damage to the connector pins, use male test lead, Part Number 3822758, on the 25-pin connector. Use female test lead, Part Number 3823994, on the 3-pin connector. Use male test lead, Part Number 3822995, on the 2-pin power connector.

3-Pin Data link Cable

Measure the resistance from pins A, B, and C in the 3-pin connector to the corresponding location in the 25-pin connector as shown. Measure the resistance from pins D and E in the 2-pin power supply connector to the corresponding location in the 5-pin connector as shown. The multimeter must show a closed circuit (10 ohms or less). If a circuit is not closed, replace the data link cable.


To avoid the possibility of damage to connector pins, use two male test leads, Part Number 3823993, on each 3-pin connector.

Mini Backbone Cable

Measure the resistance from pin A in one end of the backbone cable to pin A in the opposite end of the backbone cable. Repeat for pins B and C. The multimeter must show a closed circuit (10 ohms or less). If a circuit is not closed, replace the backbone cable. Measure the resistance across pins A and B at either end of the cable to measure the terminating resistance. The terminating resistance value must measure between 50-70 ohms.


To avoid the possibility of damage to connector pins, use two female test leads, Part Number 3823994, on each 3-pin connector.

Gender Changer Cable

Measure the resistance from pin A in one end of the gender changer cable to pin A in the opposite end of the gender changer cable. Repeat for pins B and C. The multimeter must show a closed circuit (10 ohms or less). If a circuit is not closed, replace the gender changer cable.

Last Modified:  18-Feb-2010