CM850 Electronic Control System – FAULT CODE 1911

Injector Metering Rail Number 1 Pressure – Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range – Most Severe Level


Fault Code: 1911
PID: P157
SPN: 157
FMI: 0
LAMP: Amber

Injector Metering Rail Number 1 Pressure – Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range – Most Severe Level. Fuel pressure signal indicates that fuel pressure has exceeded the maximum limit for the given engine rating.

None or possible engine noise associated with higher injection pressure (especially at idle or light load). Engine power is reduced.

Fuel System

Circuit Description

The electronic control module (ECM) monitors engine-operating conditions, including the reading of rail fuel pressure, and changes the flow command to either increase (OPEN the fuel pump actuator) or decrease (CLOSE the fuel pump actuator) the fuel supply to the high-pressure pump.

Component Location

The fuel pump actuator is installed on the high-pressure fuel pump.

Shop Talk

Fault Code 1911 is activated when the sensed rail fuel pressure exceeds the opening pressure of the rail fuel pressure relief valve.

In normal engine operation, the ECM calibration varies the flow command to the fuel pump actuator to achieve the correct fuel rail pressure. System failures that cause loss of pressure control (for example a sticky fuel pump actuator) may cause the fuel rail pressure relief valve to open. The fuel rail pressure relief valve acts to protect the high pressure components from over-pressurization. Engine power is derated while rail pressure is controlled by the fuel rail pressure relief valve. If the ECM detects that the fuel rail pressure relief valve is open without a detection of a fuel pump actuator circuit error, Fault Code 1911 will become active.

Refer to Troubleshooting Fault Code t05-1911

Last Modified:  08-Jul-2010