This manual is organized to provide an easy flow from problem identification to problem correction.
A list of troubleshooting symptoms containing the most common engine problems is in the Troubleshooting Symptoms, Section (TS). The manual is designed to use the Troubleshooting Symptoms as a guide to locating the problem and directing the end user to the correct procedure for making the repair. Complete the following steps to locate and correct the problem.
- Locate the symptom on the Section Contents pages of Section TS.
- Reference to the page number where the Troubleshooting Symptom Tree is found is made to the right of the symptom tree title.
The left column of boxes in the Troubleshooting Symptom Charts indicates a probable cause of the problem, starting at the top with the simplest and easiest to repair, and continuing downward to the most difficult.
- The right column of boxes provides a brief description of the corrective action with a reference number to the correct procedure used to make the repair.
Locate the probable cause in the left column then turn to the procedure referenced in the right column.
The Troubleshooting Symptom Charts are based on the following assumptions:
- The engine has been installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
- The easiest repairs are done first.
- “Generic” solutions to cover problems with the most common applications and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
Refer to the OEM service manual for OEM specifications.
This manual is divided into the same group system used for previous manuals and the Cummins’ filmcard system. Section 00 is organized into a logical sequence of engine disassemble/assemble, all other sections are in numerical sequence. Refer to the Table of Contents at the front of the book to determine the section that details the desired information.
The disassemble/assemble sections of this manual is divided into the same group system used for previous manuals and the Cummins’ filmcard system.
Section 00 is organized into a logical sequence of engine disassemble/assemble, all other sections are in numerical sequence. Refer to the Table of Contents at the front of the book to determine the section that details the desired information.
Each section contains the following in sequence:
- Table of Contents
- Required Service Tool Listings
- General Information containing the basic service, maintenance, design and revision information necessary to assist in the rebuild of an engine or a component
- Procedure instructions for the disassembly, inspection, maintenance, and assembly that can be required to rebuild an engine; additional procedures that are not necessary during every rebuild, but can be necessary, are included. These procedures depend on the length of time an engine has been in service and the conditions of the parts.
All the procedures are identified with a name and a number. Each digit in the procedure number has a specific meaning.
The first three digits of the number refer to the specific section that the procedure can be found within the manual. In this example, “001” represents Section 01 – Cylinder Block. This number will range from 000 to 022.
The second three digits of the number are unique and refer to a specific subject. In this example, “028” represents Cylinder Liner. This number will range from 001 to 999.
Refer to Section V for specifications recommended by Cummins Engine Company, Inc. for your engine. Specifications and torque values for each engine system are given in that section.
NOTE: Discharge of oil or oily water into or upon the water is a direct violation of today’s laws. Violators are subject to a penalty of various monetary charges. Dispose of these substances in accordance with standards set by the EPA.