ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 Engines – 100-002   Engine Diagrams

Engine Views


All Applications Except Marine

The following illustrations provide the locations of the major external engine components, filters, and other service and maintenance points. Some external components will be different locations for different engine models.

The illustrations are only a reference to show a typical engine.

Front Engine View (Cummins® Common Rail Fuel System)

  1. Engine lifting bracket
  2. Crankcase breather
  3. Air intake connection
  4. Engine oil fill
  5. Front gear cover
  6. Fan pulley
  7. Vibration Damper
  8. Starter
  9. Engine oil pan drain plug
  10. Automatic belt tensioner
  11. Coolant inlet connection
  12. Water pump
  13. Turbocharger (variable geometry turbocharger shown).

Exhaust Side Engine View (Cummins® Common Rail Fuel System)

  1. Exhaust manifold
  2. Turbocharger (variable geometry turbocharger shown)
  3. Variable geometry turbocharger actuator (variable geometry turbocharger only)
  4. Crankcase breather
  5. Rocker lever cover
  6. Engine oil fill
  7. Rocker lever housing
  8. Coolant outlet connection
  9. Coolant heater port
  10. Coolant inlet connection
  11. Lubricating oil cooler
  12. Lubricating oil filter
  13. Dipstick location
  14. Flywheel housing.

Intake Side Engine View (Cummins® Common Rail Fuel System)

  1. Air intake connection
  2. Crankcase breather
  3. Intake air heater
  4. Intake manifold pressure and temperature sensor
  5. Turbocharger control valve
  6. Fuel rail
  7. Fuel drain manifold
  8. Fuel filter
  9. Crankcase breather draft tube
  10. Crankcase breather oil drain tube
  11. Crankshaft speed sensor
  12. Starter
  13. Lubricating oil pressure sensor
  14. Engine oil drain plug
  15. Fuel lift pump (behind ECM)
  16. Electronic control module (ECM)
  17. Air compressor
  18. Camshaft speed sensor
  19. Engine data plate
  20. High-pressure fuel pump
  21. Ambient air pressure sensor
  22. Fuel rail pressure sensor.

Rear Engine View (Cummins® Common Rail Fuel System)

  1. Engine lifting bracket
  2. Crankcase breather
  3. Turbocharger (VGT shown)
  4. Injector drain line connection
  5. Flywheel housing
  6. Flywheel
  7. Engine oil drain plug
  8. OEM fuel supply line connection
  9. OEM fuel drain line connection
  10. Air intake connection

Top Engine View (Cummins® Common Rail Fuel System)

  1. Coolant inlet connection
  2. Turbocharger air inlet
  3. Turbocharger air outlet
  4. Turbocharger exhaust outlet
  5. Turbocharger actuator air line (variable geometry turbocharger only)
  6. Crankcase breather
  7. Flywheel housing
  8. Crankcase breather oil drain tube
  9. Crankcase breather draft tube
  10. Turbocharger control valve (variable geometry turbocharger only)
  11. Fuel filter bracket
  12. Air inlet connection
  13. High-pressure pump
  14. Engine oil fill
  15. Coolant outlet connection.

Front View (CAPS Fuel System)

  1. Fan pulley
  2. Top dead center (TDC) mark
  3. Front gear cover
  4. Vibration damper
  5. Engine oil pan drain plug
  6. Automatic belt tensioner
  7. Water inlet
  8. Water pump
  9. Alternator
  10. Water outlet
  11. Turbocharger air outlet
  12. Turbocharger air inlet
  13. Engine oil fill.

Exhaust Side View (CAPS Fuel System)

  1. 1/2-inch (NPTF) coolant taps
  2. Turbocharger wastegate actuator
  3. Engine oil fill
  4. Coolant outlet
  5. Front engine lifting bracket
  6. Coolant temperature sensor
  7. Coolant heater port
  8. Coolant inlet
  9. Lubricating oil cooler
  10. Engine oil pan drain plug
  11. Lubricating oil filter
  12. Dipstick location
  13. Coolant filter
  14. Injector drain fuel outlet connection.

Fuel Pump Side View (CAPS Fuel System)

  1. Engine air inlet
  2. Intake manifold pressure sensor
  3. Intake manifold temperature sensor
  4. M10 (STOR) fuel pressure after-lift pump
  5. M10 (STOR) fuel pressure before-lift pump
  6. Magnetic pickup location 3/4-16 UNF
  7. Fuel return connection
  8. Fuel inlet connection
  9. Fuel lift pump
  10. Starter mounting flange
  11. Oil pressure sensor
  12. Fuel filter/water separator
  13. Electronic control module (ECM)
  14. Dipstick location
  15. M10 (STOR) oil pressure port
  16. Engine position sensor (EPS) – (inboard)
  17. Engine speed sensor (ESS) – (outboard)
  18. Engine dataplate
  19. High-pressure fuel lines
  20. Cummins® Accumulator Pump System (CAPS) injection pump
  21. Intake air heater.

Rear View (CAPS Fuel System)

  1. Rear engine lifting bracket
  2. Turbocharger exhaust outlet
  3. Clutch mounting holes
  4. Flywheel housing
  5. Flywheel.

Front – ISLe3 and ISLe4 – (CM850 Electronic Control Module)

  1. Engine lifting bracket
  2. Crankcase breather
  3. Air intake connection
  4. Engine oil fill
  5. Front gear cover
  6. Fan pulley
  7. Vibration Damper
  8. Starter
  9. Engine oil pan drain plug
  10. Automatic belt tensioner
  11. Coolant inlet connection
  12. Water pump
  13. Turbocharger.

Left – ISLe3 and ISLe4 – (CM850 Electronic Control Module)

  1. Air intake connection
  2. Crankcase breather
  3. Intake air heater
  4. Fuel rail pressure sensor
  5. Fuel rail
  6. Fuel drain manifold
  7. Fuel filter
  8. Crankcase breather draft tube
  9. Crankcase breather oil drain tube
  10. Starter
  11. Engine oil drain plug
  12. Aftertreatment interface connection (ISLe4)
  13. Fuel lift pump
  14. Electronic control module (ECM)
  15. Air compressor
  16. Engine data plate
  17. High-pressure pump.

Rear – ISLe3 and ISLe4 – (CM850 Electronic Control Module)

  1. Engine lifting bracket
  2. Crankcase breather
  3. Turbocharger
  4. Injector drain line connection
  5. Flywheel housing
  6. Flywheel
  7. Engine oil drain plug
  8. OEM fuel supply line connection
  9. OEM fuel drain line connection
  10. Air intake connection.

Right – ISLe3 and ISLe4 – (CM850 Electronic Control Module)

  1. Exhaust manifold
  2. Turbocharger
  3. Turbocharger air inlet
  4. Crankcase breather
  5. Rocker lever cover
  6. Engine oil fill
  7. Rocker lever housing
  8. Coolant outlet connection
  9. Coolant heater port
  10. Coolant inlet connection
  11. Lubricating oil cooler
  12. Lubricating oil filter
  13. Dipstick location
  14. Flywheel housing.

Top – ISLe3 and ISLe4 – (CM850 Electronic Control Module)

  1. Coolant inlet connection
  2. Turbocharger air inlet
  3. Turbocharger air outlet
  4. Turbocharger exhaust outlet
  5. Exhaust manifold
  6. Crankcase breather
  7. Flywheel housing
  8. Crankcase breather oil drain tube
  9. Crankcase breather draft tube
  10. Starter motor location
  11. Fuel filter bracket
  12. Air inlet connection
  13. High-pressure pump
  14. Engine oil fill
  15. Coolant outlet connection.

Marine Applications

Front View QSL9 Marine (Sea water cooled)

  1. Heat exchanger
  2. Coolant fill cap
  3. Expansion tank
  4. Timing case cover
  5. Engine mounting bracket
  6. Oil pan
  7. Oil pan drain plug
  8. Belt and pulley guard.

Front View QSL9 Marine (Keel Cooled)

  1. Keel cooler thermostat housing
  2. Coolant fill cap
  3. Expansion tank
  4. Timing case cover
  5. Engine mounting bracket
  6. Oil pan drain plug
  7. Belt and pulley guard.

Left View (Port) QSL9 Marine (Sea Water Cooled)

  1. Expansion tank
  2. Aftercooler air outlet
  3. Intake manifold temperature sensor
  4. Intake manifold pressure sensor
  5. Aftercooler sea water outlet
  6. Zinc anode
  7. Air cleaner or filter
  8. Aftercooler air inlet
  9. Aftercooler housing
  10. Flywheel housing
  11. Zinc anode
  12. Crankshaft speed sensor
  13. Fuel inlet from fuel tank
  14. Oil pressure sensor
  15. Aftercooler sea water inlet
  16. Electronic control module (ECM)
  17. Fuel return from engine to fuel cooler
  18. Fuel lift pump (behind ECM)
  19. SIM module (mounted on ECM bracket)
  20. Fuel return to fuel tank
  21. Sea water pump inlet
  22. Sea water pump
  23. Camshaft position sensor
  24. Fuel filter
  25. Fuel rail pressure sensor (behind aftercooler air outlet).

Left View (Port) QSL9 Marine (Keel Cooled)

  1. Expansion tank
  2. Aftercooler air outlet
  3. Intake manifold temperature sensor
  4. Intake manifold pressure sensor
  5. Zinc anode
  6. Aftercooler coolant inlet
  7. Air cleaner or filter
  8. Aftercooler air inlet
  9. Aftercooler housing
  10. Flywheel housing
  11. Crankshaft speed sensor
  12. Aftercooler coolant outlet
  13. Fuel inlet from fuel tank
  14. Fuel lift pump (behind ECM)
  15. Engine oil dipstick
  16. SIM module (mounted on ECM bracket)
  17. Electronic control module (ECM)
  18. Camshaft position sensor
  19. Fuel filter
  20. Fuel rail pressure sensor (behind aftercooler air outlet).

Rear View QSL9 Marine (Sea Water Cooled)

  1. Air cleaner and filter
  2. Air cleaner restriction indicator
  3. Turbocharger compressor side
  4. Turbocharger turbine side
  5. Sea water from heat exchanger to exhaust elbow
  6. Water cooled exhaust elbow
  7. Sea water discharge
  8. Sea water to heat exchanger
  9. Flywheel housing
  10. Flywheel
  11. Aftercooler zinc anode
  12. Marine gear oil cooler
  13. Aftercooler air inlet
  14. Aftercooler.

Rear View QSL9 Marine (Keel Cooled)

  1. Air cleaner and filter
  2. Air cleaner restriction indicator
  3. Coolant outlet from thermostat housing to aftercooler
  4. Turbocharger compressor side
  5. Turbocharger turbine side
  6. Exhaust elbow
  7. Coolant return from marine gear oil cooler to water pump
  8. Flywheel housing
  9. Zinc anode
  10. Marine gear oil cooler
  11. Aftercooler air inlet
  12. Aftercooler
  13. Fuel return to fuel tank.

Right View (Starboard) QSL9 Marine (Sea Water Cooled)

  1. Water cooled exhaust elbow
  2. Sea water from heat exchanger to exhaust elbow
  3. Heat exchanger
  4. Crankcase breather
  5. Heat exchanger coolant inlet
  6. Expansion tank
  7. Coolant level sensor
  8. Zinc anode
  9. Alternator
  10. Coolant temperature sensor
  11. Lubricating oil cooler
  12. Coolant filter
  13. Lubricating oil filter
  14. Oil pan drain plug
  15. Heat exchanger coolant outlet
  16. Starter motor
  17. Flywheel housing
  18. Heat exchanger sea water inlet
  19. Intake air from turbocharger to aftercooler.

Right View (Starboard) QSL9 Marine (Keel Cooled)

  1. Exhaust elbow
  2. Coolant return from marine gear oil cooler to water pump
  3. Coolant outlet from thermostat housing to aftercooler
  4. Keel cooler thermostat housing
  5. Coolant from keel cooler to engine
  6. Coolant from engine to keel cooler
  7. Coolant return from engine to keel cooler thermostat housing
  8. Expansion tank
  9. Coolant level sensor
  10. Alternator
  11. Coolant return from exhaust manifold to water pump
  12. Coolant temperature sensor
  13. Lubricating oil cooler
  14. Oil pan drain plug
  15. Lubricating oil filter
  16. Starter motor
  17. Flywheel housing
  18. Intake air from turbocharger to aftercooler.

Top View QSL9 Marine (Sea Water Cooled)

  1. Heat exchanger
  2. Exhaust manifold
  3. Exhaust outlet
  4. Turbocharger
  5. Air inlet restriction indicator
  6. Air filter
  7. High-pressure injector supply line
  8. Aftercooler
  9. Fuel rail
  10. Crankcase breather
  11. Fuel pump
  12. Front engine mount
  13. Expansion tank coolant fill cap
  14. Oil fill cap.

Top View QSL9 Marine (Keel Cooled)

  1. Thermostat housing (keel cooled)
  2. Exhaust manifold
  3. Exhaust outlet
  4. Turbocharger
  5. Air inlet restriction indicator
  6. Air filter
  7. Aftercooler
  8. Fuel rail
  9. Crankcase breather
  10. High pressure injector supply line
  11. Fuel pump
  12. Front engine mount
  13. Expansion tank coolant fill cap
  14. Oil fill cap.

Front View QSC8.3 Marine (Sea Water Cooled)

  1. Heat exchanger
  2. Engine coolant to heat exchanger
  3. Coolant fill cap
  4. Expansion tank
  5. Intake air inlet from aftercooler
  6. Timing case cover
  7. Sea water pump discharge
  8. Engine mounting bracket
  9. Oil pan drain plug
  10. Oil pan
  11. Belt and pulley guard.

Left View (Port) QSC8.3 Marine (Sea Water Cooled)

  1. Expansion tank
  2. Intake manifold temperature sensor (behind aftercooler air outlet)
  3. Intake manifold pressure sensor (behind aftercooler air outlet
  4. Crankcase breather
  5. Aftercooler air outlet
  6. Air cleaner or filter
  7. Aftercooler sea water outlet
  8. Aftercooler sea water inlet
  9. Aftercooler housing
  10. Zinc anodes
  11. Fuel cooler
  12. Fuel outlet to fuel tank
  13. Marine gear oil cooler connection (behind gear oil cooler x 2)
  14. Flywheel housing
  15. Crankshaft speed sensor
  16. Marine gear oil cooler
  17. Oil pressure sensor (behind marine gear oil cooler)
  18. Fuel inlet from fuel tank
  19. Electronic control module (ECM)
  20. Lubricating oil dipstick
  21. Fuel lift pump (behind ECM)
  22. Sea water inlet
  23. Sea water pump
  24. SIM module (mounted on ECM bracket)
  25. Camshaft position sensor
  26. Fuel filter
  27. Fuel rail pressure sensor.

Rear View QSC8.3 Marine (Sea Water Cooled)

  1. Air cleaner or filter
  2. Closed crankcase ventilation canister/filter
  3. Intake air restriction indicator
  4. Turbocharger compressor side
  5. Turbocharger oil supply
  6. Turbocharger exhaust side
  7. Heat exchanger sea water outlet
  8. Sea water cooled exhaust elbow
  9. Sea water discharge
  10. Heat exchanger sea water inlet
  11. Turbocharger oil drain tube
  12. Marine gear oil cooler connection
  13. Marine gear oil cooler connection
  14. Aftercooler air inlet
  15. Fuel cooler inlet from engine
  16. Aftercooler drain valve
  17. Aftercooler sea water inlet.

Right View (Starboard) QSC8.3 Marine (Sea Water Cooled)

  1. Sea water outlet from heat exchanger
  2. Vacuum regulator for air filter
  3. Coolant level sensor
  4. Expansion tank
  5. Coolant fill cap
  6. Heat exchanger
  7. Coolant outlet from heat exchanger
  8. Coolant inlet to heat exchanger
  9. Zinc anode
  10. Coolant temperature sensor
  11. Alternator
  12. Lubricating oil cooler
  13. Lubricating oil filter
  14. Starter motor
  15. Turbocharger oil drain
  16. Flywheel housing
  17. Zinc anode
  18. Sea water inlet to aftercooler
  19. Sea water inlet to heat exchanger
  20. Exhaust elbow/sea water discharge
  21. Turbocharger.

Top View QSC8.3 Marine (Sea Water Cooled)

  1. Heat exchanger
  2. Exhaust manifold
  3. Exhaust outlet
  4. Turbocharger
  5. Air inlet restriction indicator
  6. Air filter
  7. Crankcase breather
  8. Aftercooler
  9. Electronic control module (ECM)
  10. High pressure injector supply line
  11. Fuel pump
  12. Front engine mount
  13. Injector
  14. Expansion tank coolant fill cap
  15. Oil fill cap.

Last Modified:  19-Jul-2010