1999 GM 6.5L V8 – Valve Lifter Replacement – Removal Procedure

1. Disconnect both the battery negative cables from the batteries. Refer to Battery Cable in Engine Electrical.

2. Remove the upper intake manifold from the lower intake manifold. Refer to Intake Manifold Replacement (Upper).

3. Remove the lower intake manifold from the cylinder heads. Refer to Intake Manifold Replacement (Lower).

4. Remove the valve rocker arm cover from the cylinder head. Refer to Valve Rocker Arm Cover Replacement.

5. Remove the valve rocker arm, shaft, and the push rods from the cylinder head. Refer to Valve Rocker Arm, Shaft, and Push Rod Replacement.

6. Remove the cylinder head from the engine block.
Refer to Cylinder Head Replacement.

7. Remove the valve lifter retainer and bolt from the engine block

8. Remove the valve lifter guide from the engine block.

Important: Some engines will have both standard and 0.010 inch oversize valve lifters. The oversize valve lifter will have a “10” etched on the cast pad adjacent to the valve lifter bore and on the top rail of the cylinder case above the valve lifter.

9. Remove the valve lifters from the engine block.

10. Place the valve lifters, valve lifter guides, and retainer and bolt in a organizer rack


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