ISM, ISMe, and QSM11 – 007-031   Lubricating Oil Pump

Table of Contents





When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for cleaning, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to reduce the possibility of personal injury.

Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause personal injury.

Clean the threaded lubricating pump mounting holes in the cylinder block and capscrew threads with solvent. Dry with compressed air.


Do not lubricate the two oil pump body o-rings. The o-rings will swell, and the pump can not be installed.

Install two new o-rings on the oil pump body.

Install the thickest o-ring into the groove nearest the oil pump drive gear.


Use clean 15W-40 oil to lubricate the oil pump gears.

Apply a film of grease to the oil pump bore in the cylinder block.



The dowel pin bore in the oil pump flange (1) must be aligned with the dowel pin in the cylinder block (2) to prevent damage to the oil pump flange during installation. Do not use the mounting capscrews to pull the oil pump into the bore. This can damage the mounting flange of the oil pump.

Install the oil pump by hand.



The shorter flange head capscrew must be used in the upper right-hand mounting hole (1) to prevent the idler gear from contacting the head of the capscrew and causing damage to the lubricating oil pump.

Sealant, Part Number 3824038, or equivalent, must be used to coat the threads of the three mounting capscrews to prevent air from being drawn past the capscrews during engine operation.

Install the three capscrews and spacers. Use the short flange head capscrew in the upper right hand mounting hole (1). Use the longer flange head capscrews and spacers in the other two holes.

Torque Value:  41  n.m  [30 ft-lb]

Last Modified:  23-Jan-2009