ISM, ISMe, and QSM11 – Oil Pan Level Incorrect – High (Centinel)

Symptom Tree  t108-11

This is symptom tree t108-11
Cause Correction

Makeup tank oil usage excessive

Calculate actual fuel burn ratio by dividing fresh oil usage by fuel burned. Compare actual fuel burn percentage to published fuel burn percentage.


Rifle check valve stuck open

Loosen rifle hose from rifle check valve to check that rifle pressure remains in rifle hose after key-off. Oil in rifle hose must be under pressure.


Outlet check valve struck open

Remove the oil replenishment hose from the outlet check valve and check for oil leakage through the check valve.


Internal control valve failure

Replace the control valve. Refer to the Master Repair Manual Centinel™, Bulletin 3666231.

Last Modified:  22-Dec-2003