The water pump assembly consists of the pump itself, as well as a plate. Bolts attach the pump to the plate (see Figure 4-2, view A), and a gasket seals the surface between the two parts (see Figure 4-2, view B). The water pump assembly mounts on the front cover, using a variety of fasteners and anaerobic sealant (see pages 2-30 and 3-14 for more information).
The accessory drive belt allows the crankshaft to rotate the pump shaft and impeller in a counterclockwise direction, using a pulley held in place by the mounting of the cooling fan assembly to the pump shaft flange. As the impeller rotates, coolant in the radiator is drawn into the pump through a hose connected to the inlet fitting (see Figure 4-3).
The action of the impeller increases coolant pressure, and fluid is pushed through two front cover passages into each side of the cylinder case.
During service, a replacement water pump must match the 6.5L V8 turbo diesel application in capacity and impeller rotation. An incorrect replacement part may cause engine overheating.