M11 Series – Service Manual – Smoke, White — Excessive (CELECT™ or CELECT™ Plus)

Symptom Tree  t118-155

This is symptom tree t118-155
Cause Correction

Electronic fault codes active or high counts of inactive fault codes

Refer to Section TF in the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual for CELECT™ Plus Systems, Bulletin 3666130, or Section T in the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual for CELECT™ Systems, Bulletin 3666084.


Engine block heater is malfunctioning (if equipped)

Check the electrical sources and wiring to the cylinder block heater. Replace the block heater, if necessary. Refer to the OEM service manual.


Coolant temperature is below specification

Refer to the Coolant Temperature Below Normal symptom tree.


Coolant temperature sensor is malfunctioning

Check the coolant temperature sensor. Refer to Procedure 019-019 in the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual for CELECT™ Plus Systems, Bulletin 3666130, or the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual for CELECT™ Systems, Bulletin 3666084.


Engine is operating at low ambient temperature

Check the winterfront, shutters, and under-the-hood air. Use under-the-hood intake air in cold weather. Refer to Operation of Diesel Engines in Cold Climates, Bulletin 3379009.


Intake manifold temperature sensor is malfunctioning

Check the intake manifold temperature sensor. Refer to Procedure 019-059 in the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual for CELECT™ Plus Systems, Bulletin 3666130, or the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual for CELECT™ Systems, Bulletin 3666084.


Electronic control module (ECM) calibration is malfunctioning

Verify the ECM calibration is correct. Check the calibration revision history for applicable fixes to the calibration stored in the ECM. Refer to the calibration history spreadsheet Click here to see ecm_calibration_rev_history.xls

on QuickServe® Online or the INCAL™ CD-ROM. Compare the calibration stored in the ECM with the engine rating and the Control Parts List (CPL), Bulletin 4021326 or 4021327. If necessary, recalibrate the ECM. Refer to Procedure 019-032 in the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual for CELECT™ Plus Systems, Bulletin 3666130, or the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual for CELECT™ Systems, Bulletin 3666084.


Fuel grade is not correct for the application or the fuel quality is poor

Operate the engine from a tank of high-quality fuel. Refer to Fuel for Cummins Engines, Bulletin 3379001.


Overhead adjustments are not correct

Measure and adjust the overhead settings. Refer to Procedure 003-004.


Injector is malfunctioning

Perform the single-cylinder cutout test. Replace the injectors as necessary. Refer to Procedures 006-005 and 006-026.


Static injection timing is not correct

Check the static injection timing. Refer to Procedure 006-025.


Coolant is leaking into the combustion chamber

Refer to the Coolant Loss – Internal symptom tree.


Cylinder head gasket is leaking

Check the cylinder head gasket. Refer to Procedure 002-004.


Valve protrusion is below specification

Check the valve protrusion. Replace the valve seat inserts or the cylinder head. Refer to Procedure 002-004.


Injector protrusion is not correct

Check the injector protrusion. Refer to Procedure 006-026.


Pistons or piston rings are worn, damaged, or not correct

Check the pistons for correct part numbers. Refer to Control Parts List (CPL), Bulletin 3379133 or 4021327. Check the pistons and rings for wear and damage. Refer to Procedures 001-043 and 001-047.

Last Modified:  14-Jan-2004