ISM, ISMe, and QSM11 – 001-028   Cylinder Liner

Table of Contents




The cylinder liners can be removed by using the cylinder liner remover, Part Number 3163745, and cylinder liner remover plate, Part Number 3162462.



The liner puller must be installed and used as described to avoid damage to the cylinder block. The puller plate must be parallel to the main bearing saddles and must not overlap the liner outside diameter.

Insert the liner puller on the top of the cylinder block.


The liner puller must be centered on the top of the cylinder block.

Turn the puller jackscrew clockwise to loosen the liner from the cylinder block.

Use both hands to remove the liner.


When the liner is removed from the cylinder block, use Dykem®, or equivalent, to place a mark on the camshaft side of the liner to show liner orientation.


Use Dykem®, or equivalent, to mark the cylinder number on each liner.

Last Modified:  06-Mar-2009