CM850 Electronic Control System – CM850 Electronic Control System – Troubleshooting and Repair Manual

Engine Performance Troubleshooting Tree – ISB Engines Equipped with EGR (CM850 Electronic Control System)


    • Engine Acceleration or Response Poor
    • Engine Difficult to Start or Will Not Start (Exhaust Smoke)
    • Engine Difficult to Start or Will Not Start (No Exhaust Smoke)
    • Engine Power Output Low
    • Engine Runs Rough at Idle
    • Engine Runs Rough or Misfires
    • Engine Speed Surges at Low or High Idle
    • Engine Speed Surges Under Load or in Operating Range
    • Smoke, Black – Excessive
    • Smoke, White – Excessive
    • Engine Shuts Off or Dies Unexpectedly or Dies during Deceleration
    • Engine Decelerates Slowly
    • Engine Starts but Will Not Keep Running
    • Engine Will Not Reach Rated Speed (RPM)
    • Intake Manifold Pressure (Boost) is Below Normal
    • Engine Vibration Excessive

How To Use This Tree

This symptom tree can be used to troubleshoot all performance based symptoms listed above. Start by performing Step 1 troubleshooting. Step 2 will ask a series of questions and will provide a list of troubleshooting steps to perform, depending on the symptom. Perform the list of troubleshooting in the sequence shown in the Specifications/Repair section of the tree.

Many steps will reference using the electronic service to INSITE™
electronic service tool to check for fault codes, perform tests, monitor data, and check features and parameters. It is recommended that INSITE™ electronic service tool remain connected while using this troubleshooting tree to periodically check for fault codes. If any fault codes become active during use of the troubleshooting tree, discontinue using this troubleshooting tree and troubleshoot the active fault code.

This symptom tree often references other procedures and symptom trees. The procedures and symptom trees referenced may not be located in the same service literature as this symptom tree. Use the following procedure for a listing of the service literature available for the engine being serviced.
Refer to Procedure 205-001 in Section L.

Shop Talk

Driveability is a term that in general describes vehicle performance on the road. Driveability problems for an engine can be caused by several different factors. Some of the factors are engine-related and some are
not. Before troubleshooting, it is important to determine the exact complaint and whether the engine has a real driveability problem or if it simply does not meet driver expectations.

Low power is a term that is used in the field to describe many different performance problems. Low power is defined as the inability of the engine to produce the power necessary to move the vehicle at a speed that can be reasonably expected under the given conditions of load, grade, wind, and so on. With industrial equipment, low power might reference the inability of the equipment to pick up or maintain load.

Poor acceleration or response is described as the inability of the vehicle to accelerate satisfactorily from a stop or from the bottom of a grade. It can also be the lag in acceleration during an attempt to pass or overtake another vehicle at conditions less than rated speed and load. Poor acceleration or response is difficult to troubleshoot since it can be caused by several factors.

Troubleshooting Steps

STEP 1. Perform basic troubleshooting procedures.  
  STEP 1A. Check for active fault codes or high counts of inactive fault codes. Active fault codes or high counts of inactive fault codes?
  STEP 1B. Perform basic troubleshooting checks. All steps have been verified to be correct?
STEP 2. Determination of engine symptom.  
  STEP 2A. Engine Difficult to Start or Will Not Start (With or Without Exhaust Smoke), Engine Shuts Off or Dies Unexpectedly or Dies during Deceleration, or Engine Starts but Will Not Keep Running. Is the engine symptom Engine Difficult to Start or Will Not Start (With or Without Exhaust Smoke), Engine Shuts Off or Dies Unexpectedly or Dies during Deceleration, or Engine Starts but Will Not Keep Running?
  STEP 2B. Engine Runs Rough at Idle, Engine Runs Rough or Misfires, Engine Speed Surges at Low or High Idle, Engine Speed Surges under Load or in Operating Range. Is the engine symptom Engine Runs Rough at Idle, Engine Runs Rough or Misfires, Engine Speed Surges at Low or High Idle, Engine Speed Surges under Load or in Operating Range?
  STEP 2C. Excessive white smoke. Is the engine symptom Smoke, Black – Excessive?
  STEP 2D. Excessive white smoke. Is the engine symptom Smoke, White – Excessive?
  STEP 2D-1. Excessive white smoke.
  STEP 2D-2. Excessive white smoke.
  STEP 2E. Engine Acceleration or Response Poor, Engine Power Output Low, Engine Decelerates Slowly, or Engine Will Not Reach Rated Speed (RPM). Is the engine symptom Engine Acceleration or Response Poor, Engine Power Output Low, Engine Decelerates Slowly, Intake Manifold Pressure (Boost) is Below Normal or Engine Will Not Reach Rated Speed (RPM)?
  STEP 2F. Intake Manifold Pressure (Boost) is Below Normal Is the engine symptom Engine Vibration Excessive?
STEP 3. Engine will Not Start or Stalls Troubleshooting Procedures.  
  STEP 3A. Verify the operation of cold weather starting aids. Are the necessary cold weather starting aids are being used and are operational as required?
  STEP 3B. Check electronic features and programmable parameters. Are electronic features and programmable parameters the cause for the engine shutting down or the no-start complaint?
  STEP 3C. Monitor the engine speed during cranking. Is the engine speed greater than 150 rpm during cranking?
  STEP 3D. Monitor the ECM Keyswitch Input. Does the User Fueling State indicate “Cranking” or is the keyswitch voltage equal to battery voltage?
  STEP 3E. Monitor the ECM Battery Supply. Is the ECM battery supply voltage greater than +11-VDC for 12 volt systems or +22-VDC for 24 volt systems?
  STEP 3F. Check the Load Carrying Capabilities of the ECM Power and Ground Circuits. Do the headlights illuminate brightly?
  STEP 3G. Check orientation of connector. Is the sensor correctly installed?
  STEP 3H. Verify rail fuel pressure sensor accuracy. Is the Fuel Rail Pressure (measured) less than 30 bar [435]?
  STEP 3I. Monitor fuel rail pressure while cranking the engine. Did the Fuel Rail Pressure (measured) equal the Fuel Rail Pressure (commanded)?
STEP 4. Fuel system troubleshooting procedures.  
  STEP 4A. Check for air in the fuel supply line. Is air present in the fuel supply?
  STEP 4B. Measure fuel flow/pressure at the inlet of the on engine fuel filter. Was the pressure/flow measured within the specification?
  STEP 4C. Measure the fuel inlet restriction. Is the fuel inlet restriction greater than the specification?
  STEP 4D. Check if the engine is equipped with a lift pump voltage regulator Is the engine equipped with a lift pump voltage regulator?
  STEP 4E. Measure fuel pressure at the outlet of the on engine fuel filter. Is the pressure drop across the filter greater than the specification?
  STEP 4F. Perform INSITE™ electronic service tool single cylinder cut-out test. Can the miss or excessive smoke be attributed to a single cylinder?
  STEP 4G. Perform a manual single cylinder cut-out test. Did the engine start after blocking off a cylinder(s) or can the miss or excessive smoke be attributed to a cylinder(s)?
  STEP 4H. Measure the injector return fuel drain flow from the cylinder head. Is injector fuel drain flow from the cylinder head greater than specification?
  STEP 4I. Determine which cylinder(s) is causing excessive injector fuel drain flow from the cylinder head. Did blocking off a cylinder(s) decrease the flow rate below the maximum specified flow rate?
  STEP 4J. Monitor Commanded Fuel Rail Pressure and Measured Fuel Rail Pressure. Does the Measured Fuel Rail Pressure vary more than ± 35 bar
[± 500 psi] from the Commanded Fuel Rail Pressure?
  STEP 4K. Check the fuel pressure relief valve for excessive leakage. Is the fuel pressure relief valve within specification?
  STEP 4L. Measure the high-pressure fuel supply pump fuel drain flow. Is the high pressure fuel supply pump fuel return flow greater than specification?
  STEP 4M. Measure fuel drain line restriction. Is the drain line restriction less than specification?
STEP 5. Air handling troubleshooting procedures  
  STEP 5A. Check intake manifold pressure sensor accuracy. Intake manifold pressure reading is less than 102 mm-Hg [4 in -Hg]?
  STEP 5B. Check the Air intake System for Leaks. Were any air intake system leaks found?
  STEP 5C. Check air intake restriction. Is the air intake restriction greater than the specification?
  STEP 5D. Inspect the turbocharger blades for damage. Damage found on the turbocharger blades?
  STEP 5E. Determine if the turbocharger is a variable geometry turbocharger. Is the turbocharger a variable geometry turbocharger?
  STEP 5F. Perform INSITE™ electronic service tool turbocharger actuator test. Does the turbocharger pass the turbocharger actuator test?
  STEP 5G. Inspect the wastegate actuator hose. Holes or cracks found in the wastegate actuator hose?
  STEP 5H. Inspect the turbocharger wastegate capsule for air leaks. Did the wastegate actuator capsule leak air?
  STEP 5H-1. Inspect the turbocharger wastegate actuator for proper operation.
  STEP 5H-2. Inspect the turbocharger wastegate for proper operation.
  STEP 5I. Measure turbocharger axial and radial clearance. Are the axial and radial clearances within specification?
  STEP 5J. Inspect the charge-air cooler. Does the charge-air cooler pass the visual inspection as well as the pressure test and temperature differential test?
STEP 6. EGR System checks.  
  STEP 6A. Check for air leaks in the EGR system. Air leaks found in the EGR connection tubing?
  STEP 6B. Check the EGR temperature sensor accuracy. Are all temperature readings within 5.6°C or 10°F of each other?
  STEP 6C. Check differential pressure sensor for proper operation. Is the EGR differential pressure greater than 5 mm-Hg (0.2 in-Hg) when the EGR valve is open greater than 50 percent?
  STEP 6D. Check exhaust gas pressure sensor accuracy. There is less than a 102 mm-Hg [4 in -Hg] difference between the exhaust pressure sensor reading and the barometric air pressure sensor reading?
  STEP 6E. Perform the INSITE™ electronic service tool EGR valve actuator test. Does the EGR Valve pass the INSITE™ EGR Valve Actuator Test?
  STEP 6F. Isolate EGR System. Was the Performance or Excessive Smoke (Black) complaint corrected by disconnecting the EGR valve differential pressure sensor?
  STEP 6F-1. Check the EGR System for Blockage.
  STEP 6F-2. Check the EGR system for correct or damaged components.
STEP 7. Verify electronic features are operating correctly.  
  STEP 7A. Verify accelerator (throttle) pedal travel. Does the throttle position read 0 percent when the accelerator (throttle)
is released and 100 percent when the accelerator (throttle) is fully depressed?
  STEP 7B. Monitor the vehicle speed. Does the vehicle speed read zero when the vehicle is not moving?
  STEP 7C. Verify the electronic feature settings are correct. Are the electronic features set correctly?
  STEP 7D. Check the temperature sensor accuracy. Are all temperature readings within 5.6°C or 10°F of each other?
  STEP 7E. Check ambient air pressure sensor accuracy INSITE™ electronic service tool reading is within 102 mm-Hg [4 in-Hg] of local barometric pressure?
STEP 8. Perform base engine mechanical checks.  
  STEP 8A. Verify the overhead adjustments are correct. Are the overhead settings within the reset limits?
  STEP 8B. Check the exhaust restriction. Is the exhaust back pressure greater than the specification?
  STEP 8C. Verify the engine crankcase pressure (blowby) is within specification. Is the engine crankcase pressure (blowby) less than specification?
  STEP 8D. Check for internal engine damage. Did cutting the oil filter open reveal evidence of internal engine damage?
STEP 9. Excessive vibration checks.  
  STEP 9A. Check engine idle speed. Is the engine idle speed within specification?
  STEP 9B. Check if the feature Fast Idle Warm Up is available and enabled. Is the feature Fast Idle Warm Up available and enabled?
  STEP 9B-1. Monitor if the Fast Idle Warm Up Status.
  STEP 9C. Check front engine driven accessory(s). Did isolating the front engine driven accessory(s) correct the vibration?
  STEP 9D. Check the Vibration Damper/Crankshaft speed indicator ring. Is the vibration damper/crankshaft speed indicator ring damaged?
  STEP 9E. Check the Engine Support Brackets, Mounts and/or Isolators. Are the engine support brackets, mounts and/or isolators or damaged?
  STEP 9F. Check engine gear driven accessory(s). Does the engine have an engine gear driven/air compressor driven hydraulic pump?
  STEP 9F-1. Isolate engine gear driven accessory(s)
  STEP 9F-2. Check if the engine is equipped with an air compressor.
  STEP 9F-3. Unload the Air Compressor and Operate.
  STEP 9F-4. Check Air Compressor Timing.
  STEP 9G. Check/Isolate engine driven components. Did isolating/removing any engine driven component correct the vibration?
  STEP 9H. Check the Flywheel Housing Alignment. Is the flywheel housing bore and face runout within specification?

Guided Step 1 – Perform basic troubleshooting procedures.

Guided Step 1A – Check for active fault codes or high counts of inactive fault codes.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.


Check for an active fault code.

  • Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to read the fault codes.

Reference the corresponding Electronics Troubleshooting and Repair Manual for the engine being serviced.

For engines equipped with a CM850 Electronic Control Module, refer to Bulletin 4021416.

Active fault codes or high counts of inactive fault codes?


Follow the electronic fault code trees for the appropriate troubleshooting procedures.

No Repair
Repair complete.

Guided Step 1B – Perform basic troubleshooting checks.


The following items must be checked or verified before continuing:

  • Verify the fuel level in the tanks.
  • Verify the vehicle is in good working order
  • Check if any recent maintenance or service work has been performed
  • Verify there have
    not been any changes to CPL components on the engine.
  • Verify fuel grade is correct for the application.
  • Verify the engine is operating within the recommended altitude.
  • Verify engine oil is in good condition and at the correct level.
  • Verify engine parasitics have
    not changed.
  • Verify engine duty cycle has
    not changed.
  • Verify the air filter is
    not excessively plugged, by checking the filter minder.
  • Listen for air and exhaust leaks.
  • Verify there are no visible external fuel leaks.
  • Verify there are no visible coolant leaks.
  • Verify there are no visible signs (soot streaks) of an external EGR leak.
  • Verify the crankshaft position and the camshaft position sensors are correctly connected to the engine harness.

All steps have been verified to be correct?

No Repair

Correct the condition and verify complaint is no longer present after repair.

Repair complete.

Guided Step 2 – Determination of engine symptom.

Guided Step 2A – Engine Difficult to Start or Will Not Start (With or Without Exhaust Smoke), Engine Shuts Off or Dies Unexpectedly or Dies during Deceleration, or Engine Starts but Will Not Keep Running.


Interview the driver and verify the complaint.

Is the engine symptom Engine Difficult to Start or Will
Start (With or Without Exhaust Smoke), Engine Shuts Off or Dies Unexpectedly or Dies during Deceleration, or Engine Starts but Will
Not Keep Running?


Perform the troubleshooting steps in the recommended order listed below:

Step 3 – Engine will
Not Start or Stalls Troubleshooting Procedures

Step 4 – Fuel System Checks

Step 5 – Air Handling Checks

Step 7 – Electronics Checks.

No Repair
Perform the troubleshooting steps suggested in the repair procedure.

Guided Step 2B – Engine Runs Rough at Idle, Engine Runs Rough or Misfires, Engine Speed Surges at Low or High Idle, Engine Speed Surges under Load or in Operating Range.


Interview the driver and verify the complaint.

Is the engine symptom Engine Runs Rough at Idle, Engine Runs Rough or Misfires, Engine Speed Surges at Low or High Idle, Engine Speed Surges under Load or in Operating Range?


Perform the troubleshooting steps in the recommended order listed below:

Step 4 – Fuel System Checks

Step 7 – Electronic Checks

Step 5 – Air Handling Checks

No Repair
Perform the troubleshooting steps suggested in the repair procedure.

Guided Step 2C – Smoke, Black – Excessive


Interview the driver and verify the complaint.

Is the engine symptom Smoke, Black – Excessive?


Perform the troubleshooting steps in the recommended order listed below:

Step 6 – EGR System Checks

Step 5 – Air Handling Checks

Step 4 – Fuel System Checks

Step 7 – Electronics Checks

Step 8 – Base Engine Checks

No Repair
Perform the troubleshooting steps suggested in the repair procedure.

Guided Step 2D – Smoke, White – Excessive.


Interview the driver and verify the complaint.

Is the engine symptom Smoke, White – Excessive?

No Repair No Repair
Step 2D-1

Step 2E

Guided Step 2D-1 – Smoke, White — Excessive.


Interview the driver and verify the complaint.

Verify if, along with the white smoke complaint, coolant is being used.

Check the coolant level.

Is the engine using coolant?

No Repair No Repair
Refer to the Coolant Loss – Internal Troubleshooting Symptom (TS) Tree.

Step 2D-2

Guided Step 2D-2 – Smoke, White — Excessive


Interview the driver and verify the complaint.

Check if the white smoke excessive complaint is only occurring when the engine is cold and during cold ambient conditions?

NOTE: Some white smoke after a cold start in cold ambient conditions is not uncommon.

If white smoke persists once the engine has reached the minimum operating coolant temperature, troubleshoot the white smoke complaint.

Minimum Operating Coolant Temperature: 60°C [140°F]

Is the white smoke excessive complaint only occurring when the engine is cold and during cold ambient conditions?


Perform the Checks in Step 3A only

Step 4 – Fuel System Checks

Step 7 – Electronics Checks

Perform the troubleshooting steps in the recommended order listed below:

Step 4 – Fuel System Checks

Step 7 – Electronics Checks

Perform the troubleshooting steps suggested in the repair procedure.

Perform the troubleshooting steps suggested in the repair procedure.

Guided Step 2E – Engine Acceleration or Response Poor, Engine Power Output Low, Engine Decelerates Slowly, Intake Manifold Pressure (Boost)
is Below Normal or Engine Will Not Reach Rated Speed (RPM)


Interview the driver and verify the complaint.

Is the engine symptom Engine Acceleration or Response Poor, Engine Power Output Low, Engine Decelerates Slowly, Intake Manifold Pressure (Boost) is Below Normal or Engine Will
Not Reach Rated Speed (RPM)?


Perform the troubleshooting steps in the recommended order listed below:

Step 5 – Air Handling Checks

Step 4 – Fuel Systems Checks

Step 7 – Electronics Checks

Step 8 – Base Engine Checks

No Repair
Perform the troubleshooting steps suggested in the repair procedure.

Step 2F

Guided Step 2F – Engine Vibration Excessive


Interview the driver and verify the complaint.

Is the engine symptom Engine Vibration Excessive?


Perform the troubleshooting steps in the recommended order listed below:

Perform Step 4G and 4H of the Fuel System Checks Only

Step 9 – Excessive Vibration Checks

Step 8 – Base Engine Checks

No Repair
Perform the troubleshooting steps suggested in the repair procedure.

For engine related symptoms, refer to the correct troubleshooting symptom
(TS) tree.

Guided Step 3 – Engine will Not Start or Stalls Troubleshooting Procedures.

Guided Step 3A – Verify the operation of cold weather aids.


  • Engine and Ambient Conditions Cold.
  • Turn keyswitch ON.


Make sure the necessary cold weather aids are being used and are operational as required.

NOTE: Minimum Ambient Air Temperature for Unaided Cold Start is -12.2°C

NOTE: The INSITE™ electronic service tool Intake Air Heater Override test can be used to diagnose intake air heater problems. For engines equipped with air intake heaters, the air intake heaters should begin to function at 19°C [66°F].

Are the necessary cold weather starting aids are being used and are operational as required?

No Repair

Install or repair cold weather starting aids.

  • For the engine coolant heater, use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
    Refer to Procedure 008-011 in Section 8.
  • For the intake air heater(s), use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
    Refer to Procedure 010-029 in Section 10.
  • For the engine oil heaters, use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
    Refer to Procedure 007-001 in Section 7.
  • For any OEM installed cold starting aids (radiator shutters, etc.), refer to the OEM service manual.

Repair complete

Guided Step 3B – Check electronic features and programmable parameters.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.


Check if the electronic features and programmable parameters are the cause for the engine shutting down or the no-start complaint.

The electronic features and programmable parameters include: Idle Shutdown, Engine Protection Shutdown, and Vehicle Anti-theft Protection.

Are electronic features and programmable parameters the cause for the engine shutting down or the no-start complaint?


Program the electronic features per the customer or OEM requirements.

No Repair
Repair Complete.

Step 3C

Guided Step 3C – Monitor the engine speed during cranking.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.
  • INSITE™ Monitor.


Monitor the engine speed.

  • Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to monitor engine speed while cranking the engine.

Attempt to start the engine; engage the engine starter for at least 30 continuous seconds.

not overheat the starter.

NOTE: Attempting to start the engine for 30 continuous seconds also allows the fault code logic time to run. If any fault codes become active, stop using this troubleshooting tree and reference the corresponding fault code troubleshooting tree.

Is the engine speed greater than 150 rpm during cranking?

No Repair

Find and correct the cause for low cranking speed. Consider the batteries, engine starting motor, drive units and accessory loads.

Refer to the Engine Will Not Crank or Cranks Slowly (Electric or Air Starter) troubleshooting symptom (TS) tree.

Guided Step 3D – Monitor the ECM Keyswitch Input.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.
  • Engine
    not running.


Monitor User Fueling State.

  • Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to monitor fuel state while cranking the engine.

NOTE: If the engine is intermittently shutting down, User Fueling State can also be monitored during engine shut down.

If the INSITE™
electronic service tool is unavailable:

  • Disconnect the OEM harness.
  • Turn keyswitch ON.

Measure the signal voltage from the keyswitch input signal wire of the OEM harness to the engine block ground.

Measure the keyswitch voltage with the keyswitch in the ON position and also with the keyswitch in the cranking position.

Refer to the corresponding wiring diagram for the engine being serviced for connector pin identification.

Does the User Fueling State indicate “Cranking” or is the keyswitch voltage equal to battery voltage?

No Repair

Check the keyswitch battery supply circuit. Use the following procedure in the ISB (4 cylinder) and ISBe (4 and 6 cylinder) Electronic Control System Troubleshooting and Repair manual, Bulletin 3666477.
Refer to Procedure 019-064 in Section 19.
Repair or replace the OEM harness, keyswitch, or check the battery connections. Refer to the OEM service manual for the proper procedures.

Repair complete.

Guided Step 3E – Monitor the ECM Battery Supply.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.
  • Engine
    not running.


Monitor battery voltage.

  • Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to monitor battery voltage while cranking the engine.

If the INSITE™ electronic service tool is unavailable:

  • Disconnect the ECM power supply connection.
  • Turn keyswitch ON.

Measure the voltage from the ECM battery supply (-) pin(s) to the ECM battery supply (+) pin(s) in the ECM connector.

Measure the ECM voltage with the keyswitch in the ON position and also with the keyswitch in the cranking position.

Refer to the corresponding wiring diagram for the engine being serviced for connector pin identification.

Is the ECM battery supply voltage greater than +11-VDC for 12 volt systems or +22-VDC for 24 volt systems?

No Repair

Repair or replace the ECM power and ground connections. Check the battery connections and fuse terminals.

Repair complete.

Guided Step 3F – Check the Load Carrying Capabilities of the ECM Power and Ground Circuits.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Disconnect the ECM Power Supply Connection.


Connect a headlight (12 volt or 24 volt systems)

NOTE: A headlight
must be used to make sure that the wattage rating will put enough of a load on the circuit.

Use the ECM battery SUPPLY (+) pin in the ECM power supply connection for the battery positive
(+) and the ECM battery SUPPLY (-) pin in the ECM power harness connector for the battery negative (-).

Refer to the corresponding wiring diagram for the engine being serviced for connector pin identification.

Do the headlights illuminate brightly?

No Repair

Repair or replace the ECM power and ground connections. Check the battery connections and fuse terminals.

Repair complete

Guided Step 3G – Check orientation of connector.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.


Check for the appropriate orientation of the rail fuel pressure sensor connector.

NOTE: Connector can be installed rotated 180 degrees.

Is the sensor correctly installed?

No Repair

Reorient connector.

Guided Step 3H – Verify rail fuel pressure sensor accuracy.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.
  • INSITE™ electronic service tool monitor.
  • Engine
    not running.


Monitor the fuel rail pressure.

Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to measure the fuel rail pressure.

Is the Fuel Rail Pressure (measured) less than 30 bar (435 psi)?

No Repair No Repair

Repair Complete

Guided Step 3I – Monitor fuel rail pressure while cranking the engine.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.
  • INSITE™ electronic service tool monitor.


Monitor Fuel Rail Pressure (measured) and Fuel Rail Pressure (commanded).

Use INSITE™ electronic service tool.

NOTE: Fuel Rail Pressure (commanded) can also be referred to as HPCR fuel setpoint.

Attempt to start the engine, engage the engine starter for at least 30 continuous seconds.

not overheat the starter.

NOTE: A minimum of 100 bar [1450 psi] of fuel rail pressure is required before the injectors will open and provide fuel.

NOTE: Attempting to start the engine for 30 continuous seconds allows the fault code logic time to run. If Fault Code 2215 or 559 becomes active, adequate fuel rail pressure is
not being developed. Discontinue using this troubleshooting tree and troubleshoot Fault Code 2215 or 559.

Did the Fuel Rail Pressure (measured) equal the Fuel Rail Pressure (commanded)?

No Repair No Repair

Guided Step 4 – Fuel system troubleshooting procedures.

Guided Step 4A – Check for air in the fuel supply line.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Engine OFF.
  • Connect required service tools at the fuel filter head diagnostic port
  • Turn keyswitch ON.


Check for air in the fuel.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-003 in Section 6.

Operate the fuel lift pump.

NOTE: At initial key ON, the lift pump will run for 60 seconds and then turn OFF. The lift pump can also be operated, use INSITE™ electronic service tool lift pump override test.


Is air present in the fuel supply?


Locate and correct the cause of air ingestion in the fuel supply system. Sources of air ingestion include loose fuel filters, loose fuel line fittings, loose or cracked fuel tank stand-pipes, or severe restrictions in the fuel supply lines and filters that cause cavitation at high fuel flow rates.

No Repair
Repair complete

Guided Step 4B – Measure fuel flow/pressure at the inlet of the on engine fuel filter.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Engine OFF.
  • Connect required service tools at the fuel filter head diagnostic port
  • Turn keyswitch ON.


Measure fuel inlet pressure and flow at the inlet diagnostic port of the fuel filter.

Use the following procedure(s) in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 005-045 in Section 5. Refer to Procedure 006-015 in Section 6.

Operate the fuel lift pump.

NOTE: At initial key ON, the lift pump will run for 60 seconds and then turn OFF. The lift pump can also be operated, use INSITE™ electronic service tool lift pump override test.

Fuel flow rate for lift pump (engine
not running)
– greater than 300 ml in 30 seconds.

Measure the pressure at
high idle:

  • Fuel pressure range lift pump (engine running) – 0 to 0.8 bar [0 to 11.6 psi].

Record the fuel filter inlet flow and pressure measured.


Was the pressure/flow measured within specification?

Record the measured fuel inlet pressure for use in the next step.

No Repair No Repair

Guided Step 4C – Measure the fuel inlet restriction.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Engine OFF.
  • Connect required service tools at the fuel lift pump inlet.


Measure the fuel inlet restriction.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-020 in Section 6.

Operate the engine at
high idle:

Maximum inlet restriction – 6 in. Hg (vacuum) 20.3 kPa

NOTE: If the engine will
not start, operate the lift pump, use INSITE™ electronic service tool Fuel Lift Pump Override Test.

NOTE: If the issue is intermittent (no start or engine shuts off unexpectedly)
and no issues can be found while the engine is being serviced, there may be debris in the fuel system causing an intermittent restriction. Install a fuel filter minder, Fleetguard® Part Number 3892576s, at the connection between the OEM fuel supply lines and the engine. A fuel filter minder will capture the peak restriction in millimeters and inches of mercury. If the issue occurs again, the fuel filter minder can be checked to see if there is something on the OEM side causing an intermittent high restriction.


Is the fuel inlet restriction greater than the specification?


Find and correct cause of high inlet restriction. Look for plugged OEM fuel filters or screens, or a restricted ECM cooler, pinched OEM fuel lines or a restricted stand pipe in the OEM fuel tank.

No Repair
Repair Complete.

Guided Step 4D – Check if the engine is equipped with a lift pump voltage regulator.


Check if the engine is equipped with an on engine voltage regulator to convert 24 volts to 12 volts.

This allows for the use of a 12 volt lift pump in a 24 volt engine configuration.

NOTE: If equipped, the voltage regulator is mounted below the ECM.


Is the engine equipped with a lift pump voltage regulator?


If equipped, verify the voltage regulator is operating properly. Replace if necessary. If OK, replace the electric fuel lift pump. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 005-045 in Section 5.

Replace the electric fuel lift pump. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 005-045 in Section 5.

Repair Complete

Repair Complete

Guided Step 4E – Measure fuel pressure at the outlet of the on engine fuel filter


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Connect required service tools at the fuel filter head diagnostic port
  • Turn keyswitch ON.


Measure fuel outlet pressure outlet diagnostic port of the fuel filter.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-015 in Section 6.

Calculate the pressure drop across the fuel filter by subtracting the pressure measured here from the pressure measured in Step 4B.

Measure the pressure at
low idle:

  • Maximum pressure drop across the fuel filter – 0.35 bar [5 psi].

NOTE: If the engine will
not start, use INSITE™ electronic service tool Fuel Lift Pump Override Test to operate the lift pump.


Is the pressure drop across the filter greater than the specification?


Replace the fuel filter. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-015 in Section 6.

No Repair
Repair complete

Guided Step 4F – Perform INSITE™ electronic service tool single cylinder cutout test.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Engine running at
    low idle.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.


Perform single cylinder cutout test.

NOTE: If the engine will
not start or is difficult to start, move to the next step.

  • In the ECM Diagnostic Tests menu of INSITE™ electronic service tool, click on the Cylinder Cutout Test, and follow the instructions on the screen.
  • Operate the engine under the conditions in which the complaint occurs.
  • Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to perform the Cylinder Cutout Test to disable individual injectors.

NOTE: If this test is performed and there is
not a significant change while cutting out one injector, there may be a problem with more than one injector. It may be necessary to cut out multiple cylinders at a time.

Can the miss or excessive smoke be attributed to a single cylinder?


Look for a cause of the complaint, including valve lash and excessive crankcase pressure that may indicate power cylinder damage, or camshaft lobe wear. If no other damage is found, replace the fuel injector in the cylinder that was identified using the single cylinder cut-out test. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-026 in Section 6.

No Repair
Repair complete

Guided Step 4G – Perform a manual single cylinder cut-out test.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Install the injector leakage isolation too.
  • Turn keyswitch ON.


Perform a manual cut-out test.

  • With the engine
    not running, disconnect the fuel line running from the rail to cylinder number 1. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
    Refer to Procedure 006-051 in Section 6.
  • Install the injector leakage isolation tools.

For 3.9L and 5.9L engines, install the injector leakage isolation tool, Part Number 3164325, on the rail where the number 1 cylinder fuel line connects.

Torque Value: 30 N•m [22 ft-lb].

Attempt to start the engine or operate the engine at idle.

Repeat the above test, as necessary, with each cylinder blocked off.


Did the engine start after blocking off a cylinder(s) or can the miss or excessive smoke be attributed to a cylinder(s)?


Look for a cause of the complaint, including valve lash and excessive crankcase pressure that can indicate power cylinder damage or camshaft lobe wear. If no other damage is found, replace the fuel injector in the cylinder that was identified using the manual single cylinder cut-out test. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-051 in Section 6.

No Repair
Repair complete

Guided Step 4H – Measure the injector return fuel drain flow from the cylinder head.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Connect appropriate service tools to measure injector fuel drain flow from the cylinder head.


Measure the injector return fuel drain flow from the cylinder head.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-051 in Section 6.

Flow Specification:

Idle Conditions

6 cylinder engines – 180 ml/minute [4 fl-oz per minute] maximum

Cranking Conditions

NOTE: Make sure
not to overheat the starter

6 cylinder engines – 90 ml/minute [3 fl-oz per minute] maximum


Is injector fuel drain flow from the cylinder head greater than specification?

No Repair No Repair

Guided Step 4I – Determine which cylinder(s) is causing excessive injector fuel drain flow from the cylinder head.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Connect appropriate service tools to measure injector fuel drain flow from the cylinder head.
  • Install the injector leakage isolation tool.


Measure the injector return fuel drain flow from the cylinder head and isolate a cylinder one at a time using the injector leakage isolation tool.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-051 in Section 6.

The flow rate will decrease below the maximum specified flow when the cylinder with the leak is blocked.

Flow Specification:

Idle Conditions 6 cylinder engines – 180 ml/minute [4 fl-oz per minute] maximum.

Cranking Conditions

NOTE: Make sure
not to overheat the starter

6 cylinder engines – 90 ml/minute
[3 fl-oz per minute] maximum.

NOTE: If this test is performed and there is not a significant change in fuel return flow while cutting out one injector, there may be a problem with more than one injector. Compare the fuel flow difference across all injectors. Is there more than one injector that caused a noticeable decrease in fuel flow? If so, these could be the injectors with the problems.

Another cause of this problem could be that the customer is operating on fuels lighter than specified. Fuels with low viscosity will result in higher injector leakage and greater drain flow rates.


Did blocking off a cylinder(s) decrease the flow rate below the maximum specified flow rate?


Remove the fuel connector and inspect for damage. Replace if necessary.

Remove the injector and inspect the fuel connector contact surface for damage. Replace if necessary.

Use the following procedure(s)
in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-051 in Section 6.
Refer to Procedure 006-052 in Section 6.

No Repair
Repair Complete

Guided Step 4J – Monitor Commanded Fuel Rail Pressure and Measured Fuel Rail Pressure.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Electronic service tool connected.
  • Engine idling.


Use an electronic service tool to monitor Commanded Fuel Rail Pressure and Measured Fuel Rail Pressure while the engine is idling.

Note: When monitoring, note whether any engine driven accessory (air conditioning compressor, air compressor, fan clutch, etc.) turns on. Also, note whether any accessories that put demand/load on the alternator (intake air heater, vehicle accessories, etc.). These items can affect the outcome of this check. The load on the engine should be constant.

Does the Measured Fuel Rail Pressure vary more than ± 35 bar
[± 500 psi] from the Commanded Fuel Rail Pressure?


Replace the fuel pump actuator. Use the following procedure in the ISB, ISBe, ISBe4, QSB4.5, QSB5.9, and QSB6.7 (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 005-007 in Section 5.

No Repair
Repair complete

Guided Step 4K – Check the fuel pressure relief valve for excessive leakage.



Measure the fuel pressure relief valve drain flow.

Use the following procedure in the Service Manual, ISBe, ISB, and QSB
(Common Rail Fuel System) Series Engines, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-061 in Section 6.

Is the fuel pressure relief valve within specification?

No Repair

Replace the fuel pressure relief valve. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-061 in Section 6.

Repair complete

Guided Step 4L – Measure the high-pressure fuel supply pump fuel drain flow.



Measure the high-pressure fuel supply pump return flow.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 005-016 in Section 5.

Is the high-pressure fuel supply pump fuel drain flow greater than specification?


Replace the high-pressure fuel supply pump. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 005-016 in Section 5.

No Repair
Repair complete

Guided Step 4M – Measure fuel drain line restriction.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Connect appropriate service tools to measure fuel drain line restriction.


Measure the fuel drain line restriction.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 006-012 in Section 6.

Operate the engine at high idle:

Maximum fuel drain line restriction: 0.19 bar (2.7 psi).


Is the drain line restriction less than specification?

No Repair

Check OEM fuel drain lines to tank for proper size, leaks, bends, clogs and fuel tank vents for plugging.

Perform next troubleshooting procedure as outlined in Step 2.

Repair Complete

Guided Step 5 – Air handling troubleshooting procedures.

Guided Step 5A – Check intake manifold pressure sensor accuracy.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.
  • Engine OFF.


Start the data monitor/logger and monitor reading.

Start INSITE™ electronic service tool data monitor/logger and monitor INSITE™ electronic service tool reading for intake manifold pressure with the engine off.

Intake manifold pressure reading is less than 102 mm-Hg [4 in -Hg]?

No Repair

Replace the intake manifold pressure sensor. Use the following procedure in the ISB (4 cylinder) and ISBe (4 and 6 cylinder) Electronic Control System Troubleshooting and Repair manual, Bulletin 3666477.
Refer to Procedure 019-061 in Section 19.
If equipped with a combination Intake Manifold Pressure/Temperature Sensor, use the following procedure in the ISB (4 cylinder) and ISBe (4 and 6 cylinder)
Electronic Control System Troubleshooting and Repair manual, Bulletin 3666477.
Refer to Procedure 019-159 in Section 19.

Repair complete

Guided Step 5B – Check the air intake system for leaks.


Check the air intake system for leaks.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-024 in Section 10.

NOTE: On engines equipped with a turbocharged air compressor, one often overlooked item as a source for air leaks is the air compressor intake line. The intake line supplies intake air from the intake of the engine to the air compressor.

Were any air intake system leaks found?


Repair or replace the damaged component.

No Repair
Repair Complete.

Guided Step 5C – Check air intake restriction.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Engine running at rated speed and full load.


Check the air intake restriction.

  • Install a vacuum gauge, Part Number ST-1111-3, or equivalent, into the air intake system.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-031 in Section 10.

Maximum Air Intake Restriction:

Dirty Filter:
25 in-H
2O/635 mm-H

Clean Filter: 10 in-H
2O/254 mm-H


Is the air intake restriction greater than the specification?


Correct the cause of high intake air restriction. Check for a plugged air filter or restricted air intake piping.

No Repair
Repair Complete

Guided Step 5D – Inspect the turbocharger blades for damage.


  • Engine OFF.
  • Remove the intake piping from the turbocharger.


Inspect the compressor blades for damage or wear.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-033 in Section 10.


Damage found on the turbocharger blades?


Replace the turbocharger. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-033 in Section 10.

No Repair
Repair complete

Guided Step 5E – Determine if the turbocharger is a variable geometry turbocharger.


Determine if the turbocharger is a variable geometry turbocharger.

Is the turbocharger a variable geometry turbocharger?

No Repair No Repair

Guided Step 5F – Perform INSITE™ electronic service tool turbocharger actuator test.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.


Select turbocharger actuator test.

  • In the ECM Diagnostic Tests menu of INSITE™ electronic service tool click on the turbocharger actuator test, and follow the instructions on the screen.
  • Open and close the turbocharger actuator.

When opened, the actuator position will be 100 percent open.

When closed, the actuator position will be less than 10 percent closed.

Does the turbocharger pass the turbocharger actuator test?

No Repair

Replace the variable geometry turbocharger. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-033 in Section 10.

Step 5I

Repair complete

Guided Step 5G – Inspect the wastegate actuator hose.


  • Engine OFF.
  • Remove turbocharger if wastegate actuator is inaccessible.


Inspect the integral wastegate actuator hose for cracks or holes.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-050 in Section 10.


Holes or cracks found in the wastegate actuator hose?


Replace the wastegate actuator hose. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-050 in Section 10.

No Repair
Repair complete

Guided Step 5H – Inspect the turbocharger wastegate capsule for air leaks.


  • Engine OFF.
  • Remove the wastegate actuator hose from the wastegate actuator.


Perform a leak test on the wastegate actuator capsule.

Refer to Procedure 010-050 (Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator) in Section 10 of the Service Manual, ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System), Bulletin 4021271.

Use Cummins® tool, Part Number 3823799, to apply a regulated air supply of 59 in Hg (29 psi) to the wastegate actuator capsule. No air should be heard (i.e., leaking noise) through a functional wastegate capsule.


Did the wastegate actuator capsule leak air?


Replace the wastegate actuator. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-050 in Section 10.

No Repair
Repair complete

Guided Step 5H-1 – Inspect the turbocharger wastegate actuator for proper operation.


  • Engine OFF.
  • Remove the wastegate actuator hose from the wastegate actuator.


Check the wastegate actuator rod for movement.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-050 in Section 10.

Use Cummins® tool, Part Number 3823799, to apply a regulated air supply of 59 in Hg (29 psi) to the wastegate actuator capsule. Check for wastegate actuator rod for movement.


Does the wastegate actuator rod move?

No Repair No Repair
Step 5I

Step 5H-2

Guided Step 5H-2 – Inspect the turbocharger wastegate for proper operation.


  • Engine OFF.
  • Remove the e-clip from the wastegate pin and disconnect the actuator rod from the wastegate lever.


Check the wastegate actuator rod for movement with it disconnected from the turbocharger wastegate.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-050 in Section 10.

Use Cummins® Tool Part Number 3823799 to apply a regulated air supply of 59 in Hg (29 psi) to the wastegate actuator capsule. Check for wastegate actuator rod for movement.


Does the wastegate actuator rod move?


Move the wastegate lever back and forth and check for smooth operation. If the wastegate lever does
not move freely or binds, spray a penetrating oil on the wastegate lever joint and try to free the wastegate lever by working the lever back and forth. If the lever does
become free, replace the turbocharger. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-033 in Section 10.

Replace the wastegate actuator. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-050 in Section 10.

Repair Complete.

Repair Complete.

Guided Step 5I – Measure turbocharger axial and radial clearance.


  • Engine OFF.
  • Disconnect the exhaust and intake connections from the turbocharger.


Follow the procedure for measuring the axial clearance of the turbocharger.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-033 in Section 10.

Are the axial and radial clearances within specification?

No Repair

Replace the turbocharger assembly. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-033 in Section 10.

Repair Complete

Guided Step 5J – Inspect the charge-air cooler.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.


Inspect the charge air cooler for cleanliness, blockage, cracks, holes, or other damage.

NOTE: The pressure and temperature checks in the charge-air cooler procedure can be used to verify charge-air cooler problems.


Does the charge-air cooler pass the visual inspection as well as the pressure test and temperature differential test?

No Repair

Repair or replace the charge-air cooler assembly. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, and QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-027 in Section 10.

Perform the next troubleshooting procedure as outlined in Step 2.

Repair complete

Guided Step 6 – EGR system checks.

Guided Step 6A – Check for air leaks in the EGR system.


Check for air leaks in the EGR connection tubing and other connections.

  • Check for EGR at the mounting flange for the differential pressure sensor.
  • Soot streaks can be noticeable where leaks are present.

Air leaks found in the EGR connection tubing?


Repair any leaks in the EGR system.

No Repair
Repair complete

Guided Step 6B – Check the EGR temperature sensor accuracy.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.
  • The engine
    must be turned off long enough for engine coolant temperature to be equal to ambient air temperature.


Monitor the following temperatures.

Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to monitor temperature of the following:

  • EGR temperature sensor
  • Engine coolant temperature sensor
  • Intake manifold air temperature sensor
  • Turbocharger compressor inlet air temperature sensor.

Are all temperature readings within 5.6°C [10°F] of each other?

No Repair

Check for a short from the signal pin of the temperature sensor in question to all other pins in the harness.
Refer to Procedure 019-360 in Section 19.
If no short is found, replace the temperature sensor that is reading higher or lower than the other sensors. See Section 19 for specifics on each temperature sensor.

Step 6C

Repair complete

Guided Step 6C – Check differential pressure sensor for proper operation.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Engine running.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.


Operate the engine until the EGR valve opens.

Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to monitor the EGR Differential Pressure and the EGR valve position (Percent Open).

NOTE: The EGR valve may
not open until the engine has reached normal operating temperature.

NOTE: Once the engine has reached normal operating temperature, quick throttle snaps can help induce EGR valve movement.

Is the EGR differential pressure greater than 5 mm-Hg [0.2 in-Hg] when the EGR valve is open greater than 50 percent?

No Repair No Repair

Guided Step 6D – Check exhaust gas pressure sensor accuracy.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.
  • Engine OFF.


Start the data monitor/logger.

  • Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to compare the reading for exhaust pressure sensor and barometric pressure sensor.

NOTE: If working on an engine
not equipped with an exhaust pressure sensor, go to the next step.

The exhaust pressure sensor is an absolute pressure sensor. This means that the sensor reads exhaust pressure plus barometric air pressure.

There is less than a 102 mm-Hg [4 in -Hg] difference between the exhaust pressure sensor reading and the barometric air pressure sensor reading?

No Repair

Remove the exhaust pressure sensor, pedestal and exhaust pressure sensor tube. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 011-027 in Section 11. Check for condensation or foreign material build up. Clean or replace as necessary, any of the removed components.

Repair Complete.

Guided Step 6E – Perform the INSITE™ electronic service tool EGR valve actuator test.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.


ECM diagnostic tests.

  • Use INSITE™ electronic service tool menu on the EGR Valve Actuator Test and follow the instructions on the screen.

Open and close the EGR valve actuator.

When opened, the actuator position will be 100 percent open.

When closed, the actuator position will be less than 10 percent closed.

Does the EGR Valve pass the INSITE™ electronic service tool EGR Valve Actuator Test?

No Repair

Replace the EGR valve. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 011-022 in Section 11.

Repair Complete.

Guided Step 6F – Isolate EGR System.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Disconnect the EGR valve differential pressure sensor.


Disconnect the EGR valve differential pressure sensor.

Use the following procedure in the ISB (4 cylinder) and ISBe (4 and 6 cylinder) Electronic Control System Troubleshooting and Repair manual, Bulletin 3666477.
Refer to Procedure 019-370 in Section 19.

Operate the engine at which the Performance or Excessive Smoke (Black) complaint occurs.

NOTE: By disconnecting the EGR valve differential pressure sensor, the ECM will command the EGR valve to close. No engine derate will be commanded by the ECM. Fault Code 2274 will become active with the EGR valve differential pressure sensor disconnected.

Was the Performance or Excessive Smoke (Black) complaint corrected by disconnecting the EGR valve differential pressure sensor?

No Repair No Repair

Perform next troubleshooting procedure as outlined in Step 2.

Guided Step 6F-1 – Check the EGR System for Blockage


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Remove the EGR valve differential pressure sensor.


Remove the EGR valve differential pressure sensor and inspect the passages in the sensor and in the air intake connection for blockage or excessive carbon build up.

Use the following procedure in the ISB (4 cylinder) and ISBe (4 and 6 cylinder) Electronic Control System Troubleshooting and Repair manual, Bulletin 3666477.
Refer to Procedure 019-370 in Section 19. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-080 in Section 10.


Was blockage or excessive carbon build up found in the EGR valve differential pressure sensor and/or intake connection passages?


Clean the passages in the sensor and in the air intake connection. If the blockage or carbon build up is to severe, replace the EGR valve differential pressure sensor and/or air intake connection. Use the following procedure in the ISB (4 cylinder) and ISBe (4 and 6 cylinder) Electronic Control System Troubleshooting and Repair manual, Bulletin 3666477.
Refer to Procedure 019-370 in Section 19.
Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System)
Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-080 in Section 10.

No Repair
Repair Complete

Guided Step 6F-2 – Check the EGR system for correct or damaged components.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.


Check if the air intake connection is assembled properly and/or any components are damaged.

1. Disconnect the EGR connection tubes from the air intake connection. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System)
Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 011-025 in Section 11.
Inspect the EGR inlet to the air intake connection to make sure the EGR flow measurement venture (1) is present and
not damaged or blocked.

2. Remove the two-piece air intake connection adapter. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-131 in Section 10. Verify the EGR mixer is installed and remove the EGR mixer. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 011-021 in Section 11. Inspect the EGR Mixer for damage or excessive carbon build up.

NOTE: If replacing the air intake connection on engines equipped with EGR, check to make sure the EGR flow measurement venture (1) is properly installed in the new air intake connection.


Was the air intake connection assembled properly with no damage to any components?


Replace the EGR valve differential pressure sensor and air intake connection. Use the following procedure in the ISB (4 cylinder) and ISBe (4 and 6 cylinder)
Electronic Control System Troubleshooting and Repair manual, Bulletin 3666477.
Refer to Procedure 019-370 in Section 19. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-080 in Section 10.

Replace or clean the necessary component. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 011-021 in Section 11. If the EGR flow measurement venturi is damaged or missing, the entire air intake connection must be replaced as an assembly. The EGR flow measurement venturi can
not be serviced separately. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 010-080 in Section 10.

Repair Complete

Repair Complete

Guided Step 7 – Verify electronic features are operating correctly.

Guided Step 7A – Verify accelerator (throttle) pedal travel.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.


Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to monitor throttle position while fully depressing and releasing the accelerator (throttle) pedal.

Does the throttle position read 0 percent when the accelerator (throttle)
is released and 100 percent when the accelerator (throttle) is fully depressed?

No Repair

Refer to the OEM service manual for accelerator (throttle) pedal troubleshooting.

Repair complete

Guided Step 7B – Monitor vehicle speed.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.


Monitor the vehicle speed.

  • Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to monitor vehicle speed while the vehicle is
    not moving.

Does the vehicle speed read zero when the vehicle is

No Repair

Check the vehicle speed sensor and circuit for problems. Refer to the OEM service manual.

Repair complete

Guided Step 7C – Verify the electronic feature settings are correct.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.


Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to verify the following adjustable parameters are correctly set:

  • Maximum vehicle speed
  • Powertrain protection
  • Rear axle ratio
  • Tailshaft teeth
  • Tire revolutions per mile
  • Gear-down protection
  • Cruise control droop settings
  • Cruise control maximum vehicle speed
  • Accelerator type
  • Road speed governor
  • Vehicle acceleration management
  • Transmission type.

Are the electronic features set correctly?

No Repair

Correct programmable features.

Repair complete

Guided Step 7D – Check the temperature sensor accuracy.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.
  • The engine
    must be turned off long enough for coolant temperature to be equal to ambient air temperature.


Use INSITE™ elctronic service tool to monitor the following temperatures:

  • Engine coolant temperature senor
  • Intake manifold air temperature sensor
  • If equipped, the turbocharger compressor inlet air temperature sensor
  • If equipped, the EGR temperature sensor.

Are all temperature readings within 5.6°C or 10°F of each other?

No Repair

Check for a short from the SIGNAL pin of the temperature sensor in question to all other pins in the harness.

Refer to Procedure 019-360 in Section 19.

If no short is found, replace the temperature sensor that is reading higher or lower than the other sensors. See Section 19 for specifications on each temperature sensor.

Step 7E

Repair complete

Guided Step 7E – Check ambient air pressure sensor accuracy.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.


Start INSITE™ electronic service tool data monitor/logger and compare the INSITE™ electronic service tool reading for barometric air pressure to the local barometric pressure.

Refer to Procedure 018-028 in Section V.

INSITE™ electronic service tool reading is within 50.8 mm-Hg [2 in-Hg] of local barometric pressure?

No Repair

Replace the barometric pressure sensor. Use the following procedure in the ISB (4 cylinder) and ISBe (4 and 6 cylinder) Electronic Control System Troubleshooting and Repair manual, Bulletin 3666477.
Refer to Procedure 019-004 in Section 19.

Perform next troubleshooting procedure as outlined in Step 2.

Repair Complete

Guided Step 8 – Perform base engine mechanical checks.

Guided Step 8A – Verify the overhead adjustments are correct.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Remove valve cover.


Measure the overhead settings.


Are the overhead settings within the reset limits?

No Repair

Adjust the overhead settings. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 003-004 in Section 3.

Repair complete

Guided Step 8B – Check the exhaust restriction.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Engine running at advertised horsepower and rpm.


Measure exhaust system back pressure.

Measure the exhaust system back pressure by installing a pressure gage, Cummins® Part Number ST-1273, or equivalent, into the exhaust system immediately downstream of the turbocharger exhaust outlet.

Maximum Exhaust Back Pressure = 10.2 kPa [1.5 PSI].


Is the exhaust back pressure greater than the specification?


Correct the cause of high back pressure, look for collapsed or plugged exhaust pipes.

No Repair
Repair complete

Guided Step 8C – Verify the engine crankcase pressure (blowby)
is within specification.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Connect appropriate service tools to measure blowby.


Measure engine crankcase pressure (blowby).

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 014-010 in Section 14.


Is the engine crankcase pressure (blowby) less than specification?

No Repair

NOTE: Record the engine blowby pressure for later use.

Refer the Crankcase Gases (Blowby) Excessive troubleshooting symptom
(TS) tree.

Guided Step 8D – Check for internal engine damage.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.


Remove the oil filter.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 007-013 in Section 7.

Cut the oil filter open and inspect for debris and area of probable damage. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 007-083 in Section 7.

Did cutting the oil filter open reveal evidence of internal engine damage?


Determine the area of probable damage and repair as necessary. Remove the lubricating oil pan and rocker lever cover, if necessary, to inspect for damage.

No Repair
Repair complete

Perform next troubleshooting procedure as outlined in Step 2.

Guided Step 9 – Excessive vibration checks.

Guided Step 9A – Check engine idle speed.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.
  • INSITE™ electronic service tool monitor.


Monitor the engine speed.

  • Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to monitor engine speed while engine is idling.

See the engine dataplate for idle speed specifications.

Is the engine idle speed within specification?


Adjust or increase the engine idle speed.

Repair Complete

Guided Step 9B – Check if the feature Fast Idle Warm Up is available and enabled.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.


Check the features and parameters with INSITE™ electronic service tool.

Check if the feature Fast Idle Warm Up is available and enabled.

Is the feature Fast Idle Warm Up available and enabled?

No Repair No Repair

Guided Step 9B-1 – Monitor the Fast Idle Warm Up Status.


  • Turn keyswitch ON.
  • Connect INSITE™ electronic service tool.
  • INSITE™ electronic service tool monitor.


Monitor the Fast Idle Warm Up INSITE™ electronic service tool status.

Is the feature Fast Idle Warm Up becoming active?


Adjust the fast idle warm up idle speed or check with the customer on disabling the feature.

NOTE: Disabling the fast idle warm up feature can affect warranty.

No Repair
Repair Complete

Guided Step 9C – Check front engine driven accessory(s).


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Isolate front engine driven accessory(s).


Isolate front engine driven accessory(s) one at a time, including:

  • Alternator(s)
  • Refrigerant compressor(s)
  • Fan hub(s)
  • Hydraulic/Power steering pump(s)
  • Water pump
  • Cooling fan
  • Crankshaft driven PTO accessories.

Did isolating the front engine driven accessory(s) correct the vibration?


Repair or replace the malfunctioning component.

No Repair
Repair Complete.

Guided Step 9D – Check the Vibration Damper/Crankshaft speed indicator ring.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.


Check the vibration damper/ crankshaft speed indicator ring for damage.

For engines equipped with a rubber vibration damper, use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 001-051 in Section 1.

For engines equipped with a viscous damper, use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 001-052 in Section 1.

For engines equipped with a crankshaft speed indicator ring
only, use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 001-071 in Section 1.

Is the vibration damper/crankshaft speed indicator ring damaged?


Replace the damaged vibration damper/crankshaft speed indicator ring.

No Repair
Repair Complete.

Guided Step 9E – Check the Engine Support Brackets, Mounts and/or Isolators.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.


Check the engine support brackets, mounts and/or isolators for damage.

For front engine supports, use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 016-002 in Section 16.

For rear engine supports, use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 016-003 in Section 16.

Are the engine support brackets, mounts and/or isolators damaged?


Replace the damaged engine support brackets, mounts and/or isolators.

No Repair
Repair Complete.

Guided Step 9F – Check engine gear driven accessory(s).


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.


Check if the engine has an engine gear driven/air compressor driven hydraulic pump?

Does the engine have an engine gear driven/air compressor driven hydraulic pump?

No Repair No Repair

Guided Step 9F-1 – Isolate engine gear driven accessory(s).


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Isolate/remove the gear/air compressor driven hydraulic pump.


Isolate/remove the gear driven/air compressor driven hydraulic pump and operate the engine.

For general hydraulic pump remove and install instructions, use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 009-016 in Section 9.

NOTE: Some engines require an accessory drive to drive the hydraulic pump. It may be necessary to isolate this as well. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 009-001 in Section 9.

Did isolating/removing engine gear driven/air compressor driven hydraulic pump correct the vibration?


Repair or replace the malfunctioning component.

No Repair
Repair Complete.

Guided Step 9F-2 – Check if the engine is equipped with an air compressor.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.


Check if the engine is equipped with an engine gear driven air compressor.

Is the engine is equipped with an engine gear driven air compressor?

No Repair No Repair

Guided Step 9F-3 – Unload the Air Compressor and Operate.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Unload the air compressor.


With the air compressor unloaded, operate the engine in the condition in which the vibration complaint occurs.

The air compressor can be unloaded by:

1. Disconnecting the air governor signal line and connecting regulated shop air, with a pressure gauge, to the air compressor governor air signal port.

NOTE: Typically 621 kPa (90 psi) of air pressure is the set point for unloading the air compressor. Refer to the OEM service manual.

2. Disconnect the air compressor discharge line and air intake hose from the air compressor.

On turbocharged air compressors, make sure to plug the air intake hose attached to the intake manifold.

Did unloading the air compressor significantly reduce or eliminate the vibration?

No Repair No Repair

Repair Complete.

Guided Step 9F-4 – Check Air Compressor Timing.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Check the timing of the air compressor.


Check that the air compressor is correctly timed to the engine.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 012-014 in Section 12.

NOTE: When troubleshooting a vibration issue in which it is suspected that the air compressor is the cause of the vibration, it may be necessary to isolate the air compressor from the engine.

Was the air compressor correctly timed to the engine?


Replace the air compressor. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 012-014 in Section 12.

Correctly time the air compressor to the engine. Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 012-014 in Section 12.

Repair Complete.

Repair Complete.

Guided Step 9G – Check/Isolate engine driven components.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Isolate/remove any engine driven components.


Isolate/remove any engine driven components and operate the engine.

Engine driven components include:

  • Transmissions (Torque converters/Clutches)
  • Hydraulic pumps
  • Direct drive shafts
  • For flywheels, use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
    Refer to Procedure 016-005 in Section 16.
  • For flexplates, use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
    Refer to Procedure 016-004 in Section 16.

Did isolating/removing any engine driven component correct the vibration?


Replace the malfunctioning component. Refer to the OEM service manual.

No Repair
Repair Complete.

Guided Step 9H – Check the Flywheel Housing Alignment.


  • Turn keyswitch OFF.
  • Engine driven components removed.


Measure the flywheel housing bore and face runout.

Use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 016-006 in Section 16.

Is the flywheel housing bore and face runout within specification?

No Repair

For flywheel housing repair options, use the following procedure in the ISBe, ISB, QSB (Common Rail Fuel System) Service Manual, Bulletin 4021271.
Refer to Procedure 016-006 in Section 16.

Repair Complete.

Last Modified:  17-Aug-2010